🌟 | 現在、![]() 鉄壁HSは通常HSと同じダメージになります。LMG及びDMR、チャージライフル、ハンマーポイント弾を除き、すべてのダメージ値が一致していることを確認しています。 |
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Utility/Name/configuration/doc に作成できます
local configuration = { de = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Sturmgewehr', other = 'Sturmgewehre', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'MP', other = 'MPs', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'LMG', other = 'LMGs', }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Präzisionswaffe', other = 'Präzisionswaffen', }, sniper = { one = 'Scharfschützengewehr', other = 'Scharfschützengewehre', }, shotgun = { one = 'Schrotflinte', other = 'Schrotflinten', }, pistol = { one = 'Pistole', other = 'Pistolen', }, thrown = { one = 'Werfe', other = 'Werfen', }, supply_drop = { one = 'Versorgungsabwurf', other = 'Versorgungsabwürfe', }, ultimate = { other = 'Ultimative', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Munition', light = 'Leichte Munition', heavy = 'Schwere Munition', energy = 'Energiemunition', sniper = 'Scharfschützenmunition', shotgun = 'Schrotpatronen', arrows = 'Pfeile', special_light = 'Spezial-Leichte Munition', special_heavy = 'Spezial-Schwere Munition', special_energy = 'Spezial-Energiemunition', special_sniper = 'Spezial-Scharfschützenmunition', special_shotgun = 'Spezial-Schrotpatronen', special_arrows = 'Spezial-Pfeile', minigun = 'Minigun Munition', }, attachment = { name = 'Aufsatz', barrels = { name = 'Lauf', barrel_stabilizer = 'Laufstabilisator', laser_sight = 'Laservisier', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Mag', light = 'Erweitertes Leichtes Magazin', heavy = 'Erweitertes Schweres Magazin', energy = 'Erweitertes Energiemagazin', sniper = 'Erweitertes Scharfschützenmagazin', }, gears = { name = 'Ausrüstung', backpack = 'Rucksack', body_shield = 'Körperschild', defenses = 'Verteidigung', evo_shield = 'Evo-Schild', helmet = 'Helm', knockdown_shield = 'Knockdown-Schild', }, optics = { name = 'Optisch', onex_hcog_classic = '1x HOKV \'Klassik\'', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x HOKV \'Bruiser\'', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x Holo', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x Variabel Holo', onex_digital_threat = '1x Digital Bedrohung', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x HOKV \'Ranger\'', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x Variabel AOG', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x Scharfschütze', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x Variabel Scharfschütze', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x Dig. Scharfschütze Bedrohung', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Schrotflintenverschluss', stocks = { name = 'Schaft', standard = 'Standardschaft', sniper = 'Scharfschützenschaft', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Anpassung', anvil_receiver = 'Ambossempfänger', boosted_loader = 'Geboosteter Lader', deadeyes_tempo = 'Höllentempo', disruptor_rounds = 'Unterbrechermunition', double_tap_trigger = 'Doppelschuss-Trigger', dual_shell = 'Doppelpatrone', graffiti_mod = 'Grafitti-Mod', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Hammerpunkt-Munition', kinetic_feeder = 'Kinetikfeeder', precision_choke = 'Präzisionschoke', quickdraw_holster = 'Express-Halfter', selectfire_receiver = 'Feuermodus-Receiver', shatter_caps = 'Splitterspitzen', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Schädelspalter-Drall', splatter_rounds = 'Farbpatronen', turbocharger = 'Turbolader', }, legends = { name = 'Legenden', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Valkyrie', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Passiv', tracker = 'Tracker', -- Website: 'Fährtenleser' gun_shield = 'Waffenschild', combat_medic = 'Kampfsanitäterin', combat_revive = 'Kampfbelebung', insider_knowledge = 'Überwachung', -- Website: 'Insiderwissen' voices_from_the_void = 'Stimmen aus dem Nichts', double_time = 'Laufschritt', nox_vision = 'Nox-Vision', encore = 'Zugabe!', now_you_see_me = 'Jetzt siehst du mich ...', swift_mend = 'Schnelle Heilung', spark_of_genius = 'Zündende Idee', neurolink = 'Neurolink', stalker = 'Stalker', eye_for_quality = 'Geübter Blick', modded_loader = 'Modifizierter Lader', spacewalk = 'Raumspaziergang', grenadier = 'Grenadier', vtol_jets = 'VTOL-Düsen', heart_seeker = 'Herzsucher', }, regen = { name = 'Regeneration', health = 'Gesundheit', shield = 'Schild', ultimate = 'Ultimativ', combo = 'Kombo', syringe = 'Spritze', medkit = 'Medikit', shield_cell = 'Schildzelle', shield_battery = 'Schildbatterie', phoenix_kit = 'Phönix-Kit', ultimate_accelerant = 'Ultimativbeschleuniger', }, tactical = { name = 'Taktisch', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Auge Des Allvaters', dome_of_protection = 'Schutzkuppel', doc_heal_drone = 'DDM-Heildrohne', grappling_hook = 'Haken', -- Website: 'Kletterhaken' into_the_void = 'In die Leere', smoke_launcher = 'Rauchwerfer', nox_gas_trap = 'Noxgas-Falle', psyche_out = 'Ausgeflippt', stim = 'Stim', perimeter_security = 'Bereichssicherheit', surveillance_drone = 'Überwachungsdrohne', silence = 'Stille', burglars_best_friend = 'Bester Freund der Diebin', amped_cover = 'Verstärkte Deckung', gravity_lift = 'Gravitationslift', knuckle_cluster = 'Knöchel-Cluster', missile_swarm = 'Raketenschwarm', focus_of_attention = 'Zentrum des Interesses', }, ultimate = { name = 'Ultimative', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Herr der Jagd', defensive_bombardment = 'Bombardementt', -- Website: 'Defensivbombardement' care_package = 'Carepaket', zipline_gun = 'Seilrutsche', -- Website: 'Seilrutschenwerfer' dimensiona_rift = 'Portal', -- Website: 'Dimensionstor' rolling_thunder = 'Donnergrollen', nox_gas_grenade = 'Noxgas-Granate', vanishing_act = 'Entschwunden', life_of_the_party = 'Mittelpunkt der Party', launch_pad = 'Sprungkissen', -- Website: Startkissen interception_pylon = 'Interceptor-Mast', drone_emp = 'Drohnen-EMP', death_totem = 'Todestotem', black_market_boutique = 'Schwarzmarkt-Boutique', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Stationäre Minigun "Sheila"', black_hole = 'Schwarzes Loch', the_motherlode = 'Der Zerstörer', skyward_dive = 'Himmelssprung', exhibit = 'Offenbarung', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Halbautomatische leichte Präzisionswaffe.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'Alternator', description = 'Vollautomatische, zweiläufige MP.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99', description = 'Automatische Schnellfeuer-MP.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'R-301', description = 'Vollautomatisch mit hoher Präzision.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Halbautomatische Pistole.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 Automatik', description = 'Vollautomatische Pistole.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Vollautomatisch und durchschlagskräftig.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Hemlok', description = 'Sturmgewehr, das jeweils 3 Schuss abfeuert.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'Spitfire', description = 'Vollautomatisches LMG.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'Revolver mit hoher Durchschlagskraft.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 Repetierer', description = 'Halbautomatischer schwerer Repetierer. Visiere an, um einen Schadensbonus zu erhalten.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'Prowler', description = 'Feuert Salven aus jeweils 5 Schüssen ab.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'Rampage LMG', description = 'Feuerbetriebenes LMG. Mit Thermit aufladen, um Feuerrate zu erhöhen.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR', description = 'Plasmabetriebenes schweres MG.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'HAVOC', description = 'Vollautomatisches Energiegewehr.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'Devotion', description = 'Vollautomatisches Energie-LMG.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'Volt-MP', description = 'Energiebetriebene MP.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Triple Take', full = 'Triple Take', description = 'Dreiläufiges Präzisionsgewehr. Choke reduziert die Streuung im Zoom.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Mastiff', description = 'Effiziente halbautomatische Schrotflinte.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Automatik', description = 'Vollautomatische Schrotflinte.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Friedensstifter', full = 'Friedensstifter', description = 'Unterhebel-Schrotflinte.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mosambik', full = 'Mosambik', description = 'Dreiläufige Schrotpistole.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'DMR Longbow', description = 'Halbautomatisches Scharfschützengewehr.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Elektrogewehr', full = 'Elektrogewehr', description = 'Strahlen-Scharfschützengewehr.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Kammerverschluss-Scharfschützengewehr.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber Kaliber .50', description = 'Mächtiges Kammerverschluss-Scharfschützengewehr.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Bocek-Kompositbogen', description = 'Halte "Schießen", um die Stärke zu erhöhen.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'C.A.R.-MP', description = 'Flexible MP, die zwischen leichter und schwerer Munition wechselt. Nutzt leichte oder schwere Magazine.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Bogenstern', full = 'Bogenstern', description = 'Haftet und explodiert. Verursacht Schaden und behindert die Sicht.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Splittergranate', full = 'Splittergranate', description = 'Explosiver Sprengsatz. Werfen, um Zünder zu aktivieren.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Thermitgranate', full = 'Thermitgranate', description = 'Erzeugt eine horizontale Flammenwand.', }, }, }, en = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Assault Rifle', other = 'Assault Rifles', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'Sub Machine Gun', other = 'Sub Machine Guns', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'Light Machine Gun', other = 'Light Machine Guns', }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Marksman Weapon', other = 'Marksman Weapons', }, sniper = { one = 'Sniper Rifle', other = 'Sniper Rifles', }, shotgun = { one = 'Shotgun', other = 'Shotguns', }, pistol = { one = 'Pistol', other = 'Pistols', }, thrown = { other = 'Thrown', }, supply_drop = { one = 'Supply Drop', other = 'Supply Drops', }, ultimate = { other = 'Ultimate', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Ammo', light = 'Light Rounds', heavy = 'Heavy Rounds', energy = 'Energy Ammo', sniper = 'Sniper Ammo', shotgun = 'Shotgun Shells', arrows = 'Arrows', special_light = 'Special Light Rounds', special_heavy = 'Special Heavy Rounds', special_energy = 'Special Energy Ammo', special_sniper = 'Special Sniper Ammo', special_shotgun = 'Special Shotgun Shells', special_arrows = 'Special Arrows', minigun = 'Minigun Ammo', }, attachment = { name = 'Attachment', barrels = { name = 'Barrel', barrel_stabilizer = 'Barrel Stabilizer', laser_sight = 'Laser Sight', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Mag', light = 'Extended Light Mag', heavy = 'Extended Heavy Mag', energy = 'Extended Energy Mag', sniper = 'Extended Sniper Mag', }, gears = { name = 'Gear', backpack = 'Backpack', body_shield = 'Body Shield', defenses = 'Defense', evo_shield = 'Evo Shield', helmet = 'Helmet', knockdown_shield = 'Knockdown Shield', }, optics = { name = 'Optics', onex_hcog_classic = '1x HCOG \'Classic\'', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x HCOG \'Bruiser\'', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x Reflex Holosight', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x Variable Reflex Holosight', onex_digital_threat = '1x Digital Threat', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x HCOG \'Ranger\'', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x Variable AOG', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x Sniper Scope', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x Variable Sniper Scope', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Shotgun Bolt', stocks = { name = 'Stock', standard = 'Standard Stock', sniper = 'Sniper Stock', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Hop-Up', anvil_receiver = 'Anvil Receiver', boosted_loader = 'Boosted Loader', deadeyes_tempo = 'Deadeye\'s Tempo', disruptor_rounds = 'Disruptor Rounds', double_tap_trigger = 'Double Tap Trigger', dual_shell = 'Dual Shell', graffiti_mod = 'Graffiti Mod', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Hammerpoint Rounds', kinetic_feeder = 'Kinetic Feeder', precision_choke = 'Precision Choke', quickdraw_holster = 'Quickdraw Holster', selectfire_receiver = 'Selectfire Receiver', shatter_caps = 'Shatter Caps', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Skullpiercer Rifling', splatter_rounds = 'Splatter Rounds', turbocharger = 'Turbocharger', }, legends = { name = 'Legends', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Valkyrie', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Passive', tracker = 'Tracker', gun_shield = 'Gun Shield', combat_medic = 'Combat Medic', combat_revive = 'Combat Revive', insider_knowledge = 'Insider Knowledge', voices_from_the_void = 'Voices from the Void', double_time = 'Double Time', nox_vision = 'Nox Vision', encore = 'Encore!', now_you_see_me = 'Now You See Me...', swift_mend = 'Swift Mend', spark_of_genius = 'Spark of Genius', neurolink = 'Neurolink', stalker = 'Stalker', eye_for_quality = 'Eye for Quality', modded_loader = 'Modded Loader', spacewalk = 'Spacewalk', grenadier = 'Grenadier', vtol_jets = 'VTOL Jets', heart_seeker = 'Heart Seeker', }, regen = { name = 'Regen', health = 'Health', shield = 'Shield', ultimate = 'Ultimate', combo = 'Combo', syringe = 'Syringe', medkit = 'Med Kit', shield_cell = 'Shield Cell', shield_battery = 'Shield Battery', phoenix_kit = 'Phoenix Kit', ultimate_accelerant = 'Ultimate Accelerant', }, tactical = { name = 'Tactical', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Eye of the Allfather', dome_of_protection = 'Dome of Protection', doc_heal_drone = 'D.O.C. Heal Drone', grappling_hook = 'Grappling Hook', into_the_void = 'Into the Void', smoke_launcher = 'Smoke Launcher', nox_gas_trap = 'Nox Gas Trap', psyche_out = 'Psyche Out', stim = 'Stim', perimeter_security = 'Perimeter Security', surveillance_drone = 'Surveillance Drone', silence = 'Silence', burglars_best_friend = 'Burglar’s Best Friend', amped_cover = 'Amped Cover', gravity_lift = 'Gravity Lift', knuckle_cluster = 'Knuckle Cluster', missile_swarm = 'Missile Swarm', focus_of_attention = 'Focus of Attention', }, ultimate = { name = 'Ultimate', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Beast of the Hunt', defensive_bombardment = 'Defensive Bombardment', care_package = 'Care Package', zipline_gun = 'Zipline Gun', dimensiona_rift = 'Dimensional Rift', rolling_thunder = 'Rolling Thunder', nox_gas_grenade = 'Nox Gas Grenade', vanishing_act = 'Vanishing Act', life_of_the_party = 'Life of the Party', launch_pad = 'Launch Pad', interception_pylon = 'Interception Pylon', drone_emp = 'Drone EMP', death_totem = 'Death Totem', black_market_boutique = 'Black Market Boutique', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Emplaced Minigun "Sheila"', black_hole = 'Black Hole', the_motherlode = 'The Motherlode', skyward_dive = 'Skyward Dive', exhibit = 'Exhibit', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Semi-auto light marksman rifle.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'Alternator', description = 'Twin barrel full-auto SMG.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99 SMG', description = 'Rapid-fire automatic SMG.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'R-301 Carbine', description = 'Full-auto and high accuracy.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Semi-auto pistol.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 Auto', description = 'Full-auto pistol.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Full-auto with a punch.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Hemlok Burst AR', description = '3-round burst assault rifle.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'M600 Spitfire', description = 'Full-auto LMG.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'High powered revolver.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 Repeater', description = 'Semi-auto heavy repeater. ADS to get a charged damage bonus.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'Prowler Burst PDW', description = '5-round burst SMG.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'Rampage LMG', description = 'Fire Powered LMG. Charge with Thermites to increase rate of fire.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR EMG', description = 'Plasma-fueled heavy MG.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'HAVOC Rifle', description = 'Full-auto charged energy rifle.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'Devotion LMG', description = 'Full-auto energy LMG.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'Volt SMG', description = 'Energy actuated SMG.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Triple Take', full = 'Triple Take', description = 'Triple-barrel marksman rifle. Choke reduces spread while zoomed.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Mastiff Shotgun', description = 'Powerful semi-auto shotgun.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Auto', description = 'Full-auto shotgun.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Peacekeeper', full = 'Peacekeeper', description = 'Lever-action shotgun.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mozambique', full = 'Mozambique Shotgun', description = 'Triple-barrel shotgun pistol.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'Longbow DMR', description = 'Semi-auto sniper rifle.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Charge Rifle', full = 'Charge Rifle', description = 'Charged beam sniper rifle.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Bolt-action sniper rifle.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber .50-cal Sniper', description = 'Powerful bolt-action sniper rifle.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Bocek Compound Bow', description = 'Hold fire to increase power.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'C.A.R. SMG', description = 'Adaptable SMG that swaps between light and heavy ammo. Takes light or heavy mags.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Arc Star', full = 'Arc Star', description = 'Sticks, then explodes after a short delay. Causes damage and blurred vision.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Frag Grenade', full = 'Frag Grenade', description = 'Explosive ordnance. Throw to start fuse.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Thermite Grenade', full = 'Thermite Grenade', description = 'Creates a horizontal wall of flames.', }, }, }, es = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Rifle de asalto', other = 'Rifles de asalto', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'Subfusile', other = 'Subfusiles', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'Ametralladora', other = 'Ametralladoras', }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Arma de medio alcance', other = 'Armas de medio alcance', }, sniper = { one = 'Rifle de precisión', other = 'Rifles de precisión', }, shotgun = { one = 'Escopeta', other = 'Escopetas', }, pistol = { one = 'Pistola', other = 'Pistolas', }, thrown = { other = 'Arrojadizo', }, supply_drop = { one = 'Envío del suministro', other = 'Envío de suministros', }, ultimate = { other = 'Ultimate', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Munición', light = 'Proyectiles ligeros', heavy = 'Proyectiles pesados', energy = 'Munición de energía', sniper = 'Munición de francotirador', shotgun = 'Cartuchos de escopeta', arrows = 'Flechas', special_light = 'Proyectiles ligeros especiales', special_heavy = 'Proyectiles pesadas especiales', special_energy = 'Munición de energía especiales', special_sniper = 'Munición de francotirador especiales', special_shotgun = 'Cartuchos de escopeta especiales', special_arrows = 'Flechas especiales', minigun = 'Minigun Ammo', }, attachment = { name = 'Accesorio', barrels = { name = 'Cañón', barrel_stabilizer = 'Estabilizador de cañón', laser_sight = 'Mira láser', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Cargador', light = 'Cargador ligero ampliado', heavy = 'Cargador pesado ampliado', energy = 'Cargador de energea ampliado', sniper = 'Cargador de francotirador ampliado', }, gears = { name = 'Equipo', backpack = 'Mochila', body_shield = 'Escudo corporal', defenses = 'Defensa', evo_shield = 'Evoescudo', helmet = 'Casco', knockdown_shield = 'Escudo de emergencia', }, optics = { name = 'Mira', onex_hcog_classic = '1x HCOG «Classic»', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x HCOG «Bruiser»', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x holográfica', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x holográfica variable', onex_digital_threat = '1x detector de amenazas', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x HCOG «Ranger»', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x AOG variable', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x francotirador', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x francotirador variable', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x franc. detector de amenazas', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Cerrojo para escopeta', stocks = { name = 'Culata', standard = 'Culata estándar', sniper = 'Culata de francotirador', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Mejora de arma', anvil_receiver = 'Impacto doble', boosted_loader = 'Cargador potenciado', deadeyes_tempo = 'Tempo de puntería', disruptor_rounds = 'Munición disruptiva', double_tap_trigger = 'Gatillo doble', dual_shell = 'Cartucho doble', graffiti_mod = 'Modificador Grafiti', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Munición de punta de martillo', kinetic_feeder = 'Alimentador cinético', precision_choke = 'Estrangulador de precisión', quickdraw_holster = 'Cartuchera de desenfunde rápido', selectfire_receiver = 'Selector de fuego', shatter_caps = 'Puntas de fragmentación', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Estriado perforacráneos', splatter_rounds = 'Munición de salpicadura', turbocharger = 'Turbocargador', }, legends = { name = 'Leyendas', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Valkyrie', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Pasiva', tracker = 'Rastreadora', gun_shield = 'Escudo de arma', combat_medic = 'Médica de combate', combat_revive = 'Recuperación de combate', insider_knowledge = 'Conocimiento interno', voices_from_the_void = 'Voces del vacío', double_time = 'Paso ligero', nox_vision = 'Visión Nox', encore = '¡Más!', now_you_see_me = 'Ahora me ves...', swift_mend = 'Reparación rápida', spark_of_genius = 'Chispa de genialidad', neurolink = 'Neuroenlace', stalker = 'Hostigador', eye_for_quality = 'Ojo para la calidad', modded_loader = 'Cargador modificado', spacewalk = 'Paseo espacial', grenadier = 'Granadero', vtol_jets = 'Propulsores verticales', heart_seeker = 'Buscacorazones', }, regen = { name = 'Regeneración', health = 'Salud', shield = 'Escudo', ultimate = 'Definitiva', combo = 'Combo', syringe = 'Jeringa', medkit = 'Botiquín', shield_cell = 'Pila para escudo', shield_battery = 'Batería para escudo', phoenix_kit = 'Kit Fénix', ultimate_accelerant = 'Acelerador de definitiva', }, tactical = { name = 'Táctica', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Ojo omnisciente', dome_of_protection = 'Cúpula de protección', doc_heal_drone = 'Dron médico DOC', grappling_hook = 'Garfio', into_the_void = 'En el vacío', smoke_launcher = 'Lanzahumo', nox_gas_trap = 'Trampa de gas Nox', psyche_out = 'Desquiciar', stim = 'Adrenalina', perimeter_security = 'Perímetro de seguridad', surveillance_drone = 'Dron de vigilancia', silence = 'Silencio', burglars_best_friend = 'Truco de ladrona', amped_cover = 'Cobertura ampliada', gravity_lift = 'Ascensor gravitacional', knuckle_cluster = 'Bomba de racimo', missile_swarm = 'Nube de misiles', focus_of_attention = 'Foco de atención', }, ultimate = { name = 'Definitiva', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Bestia cazadora', defensive_bombardment = 'Bombardeo defensivo', care_package = 'Pack de supervivencia', zipline_gun = 'Lanzatirolinas', dimensiona_rift = 'Brecha dimensional', rolling_thunder = 'Retumbar del trueno', nox_gas_grenade = 'Granada de gas Nox', vanishing_act = 'Desaparecer', life_of_the_party = 'Alma de la fiesta', launch_pad = 'Plataforma de salto', interception_pylon = 'Torre interceptora', drone_emp = 'PEM de dron', death_totem = 'Tótem de la muerte', black_market_boutique = 'Tienda del mercado negro', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Minigun de posición Sheila', black_hole = 'Agujero negro', the_motherlode = 'Petardazo', skyward_dive = 'Salto ascendente', exhibit = 'Exhibición', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Rifle de medio alcance ligero semiautomático.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'Alternator', description = 'Subfusil de cañón doble automático.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99', description = 'Subfusil automático de disparo rápido.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'Carabina R-301', description = 'Fusil automático y de alta precisión.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Pistola semiautomática.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 automática', description = 'Pistola automática.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Fusil de asalto automático, con mucha potencia.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Hemlok', description = 'Rifle de asalto de ráfagas de 3 disparos.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'M600 Spitfire', description = 'Ametralladora ligera automática.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'Revólver de alta potencia.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = 'Rifle de repetición 30-30', description = 'Rifle de repetición pesado semiautomático. Usa la mira para cargar daños extras.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'Prowler', description = 'Subfusil de ráfagas de 5 disparos.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'Ametralladora ligera Rampage', description = 'Ametralladora ligera. Se carga con granadas de termita para aumentar la cadencia de disparo.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR', description = 'Ametralladora pesada de plasma.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'Rifle HAVOC', description = 'Rifle de cargas de energía automático.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'Devotion', description = 'Ametralladora ligera de energía automática.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'Subfusil Volt', description = 'Subfusil activado por energía.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Triple Take', full = 'Triple Take', description = 'Rifle de medio alcance de tres cañones. El estrangulador reduce la dispersión al usar el zoom.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Escopeta Mastiff', description = 'Escopeta semiautomática de alta potencia.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 automática', description = 'Escopeta automática.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Peacekeeper', full = 'Peacekeeper', description = 'Escopeta de palanca.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mozambique', full = 'Mozambique', description = 'Pistola-escopeta con tres cañones.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'DMR Longbow', description = 'Rifle de francotirador semiautomático.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Rifle de cargas', full = 'Rifle de cargas', description = 'Rifle de francotirador que dispara un rayo cargado.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Rifle francotirador de cerrojo.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber calibre .50', description = 'Potente rifle de francotirador de cerrojo.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Arco compuesto Bocek', description = 'Mantén disparar para aumentar la potencia.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'Subfusil C.A.R.', description = 'Subfusil adaptable capaz de cambiar entre munición ligera y pesada. Admite cargadores ligeros y pesados.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Electroestrella', full = 'Electroestrella', description = 'Se adhiere y explota tras unos instantes. Causa daños y visión borrosa.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Granada de fragmentación', full = 'Granada de fragmentación', description = 'Arma explosiva. Lanza para iniciar el detonador.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Granada de termita', full = 'Granada de termita', description = 'Crea un muro de llamas horizontal.', }, }, }, fr = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Fusil d\'assaut', other = 'Fusils d\'assaut', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'Mitraillette', other = 'Mitraillettes', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'Mitrailleuse', other = 'Mitrailleuses', }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Arme à longue portée', other = 'Armes à longue portée', }, sniper = { one = 'Fusil de précision', other = 'Fusils de précision', }, shotgun = { one = 'Fusil à pompe', other = 'Fusils à pompe', }, pistol = { one = 'Pistolet', other = 'Pistolets', }, thrown = { one = 'Jeté', other = 'Jetés', }, supply_drop = { one = 'Ravitaillement', other = 'Ravitaillements', }, ultimate = { other = 'Ultime', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Munitions', light = 'Balles légères', heavy = 'Balles lourdes', energy = 'Munitions énergétiques', sniper = 'Munitions de précision', shotgun = 'Cartouches de fusil à pompe', arrows = 'Flèches', special_light = 'Balles légères spéciales', special_heavy = 'Balles lourdes spéciales', special_energy = 'Munitions énergétiques spéciales', special_sniper = 'Munitions spéciales de précision', special_shotgun = 'Cartouches spéciales de fusil à pompe', special_arrows = 'Flèches spéciales', minigun = 'Munitions pour mitrailleuses montées', }, attachment = { name = 'Accessoire', barrels = { name = 'Canon', barrel_stabilizer = 'Stabilisateur de canon', laser_sight = 'Viseur laser', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Chargeur', light = 'Chargeur légèr agrandi', heavy = 'Chargeur lourd agrandi', energy = 'Chargeur énergétique agrandi', sniper = 'Chargeur de précision agrandi', }, gears = { name = 'Matériel', backpack = 'Sac à dos', body_shield = 'Bouclier corporel', defenses = 'Défense', evo_shield = 'Bouclier évolutif', helmet = 'Casque', knockdown_shield = 'Bouclier de KO', }, optics = { name = 'Optique', onex_hcog_classic = 'VOCH 1x Classic', twox_hcog_bruiser = 'VOCH 2x Bruiser', onex_reflex_holosight = 'Holo 1x', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = 'Holo variable 1x-2x', onex_digital_threat = 'Indicateur de menace 1x', threex_hcog_ranger = 'VOCH 3x Ranger', twox_fourx_variable_acog = 'VOA variable 2x-4x', sixx_sniper_scope = 'Sniper 6x', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = 'Sniper variable 4x-8x', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = 'Indicateur de menace sniper 4x-10x', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Culasse pour fusil à pompe', stocks = { name = 'Crosse', standard = 'Crosse standard', sniper = 'Crosse de précision', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Hop-up', anvil_receiver = 'Châssis enclume', boosted_loader = 'Chargement intelligent', deadeyes_tempo = 'Tempo d\'élite', disruptor_rounds = 'Munitions désintégratrices', double_tap_trigger = 'Détente à double action', dual_shell = 'Munition double', graffiti_mod = 'Graffiti', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Munitions Hammerpoint', kinetic_feeder = 'Flux cinétique', precision_choke = 'Choke de précision', quickdraw_holster = 'Étui rapide', selectfire_receiver = 'Sélecteur de tir', shatter_caps = 'Pointes à dispersion', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Démonte-crâne', splatter_rounds = 'Cartouches éclaboussantes', turbocharger = 'Turbochargeur', }, legends = { name = 'Légendes', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Valkyrie', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Passive', tracker = 'Traqueur', gun_shield = 'Blindage d\'armement', combat_medic = 'Secouriste de combat', combat_revive = 'Réanimation d\'urgence', insider_knowledge = 'Délit d\'initié', voices_from_the_void = 'Voix du Vide', double_time = 'Pas de charge', nox_vision = 'Vision Nox', encore = 'Prolongation', now_you_see_me = 'Insaisissable', swift_mend = 'Guérison rapide', spark_of_genius = 'Éclair de génie', neurolink = 'Neurolien', stalker = 'Traqueur', eye_for_quality = 'Regard aiguisé', modded_loader = 'Chargeur modifié', spacewalk = 'Spationaute', grenadier = 'Grenadier', vtol_jets = 'Jetpack', heart_seeker = 'Attrape-cœur', }, regen = { name = 'Régénération', health = 'Santé', shield = 'Bouclier', ultimate = 'Ultime', combo = 'Combo', syringe = 'Seringue', medkit = 'Kit de soins', shield_cell = 'Cellule de bouclier', shield_battery = 'Batterie de bouclier', phoenix_kit = 'Kit Phénix', ultimate_accelerant = 'Accélérant d\'Ultime', }, tactical = { name = 'Tactique', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Œil du Faiseur d\'Orages', dome_of_protection = 'Dôme protecteur', doc_heal_drone = 'Drone-médecin DOC', grappling_hook = 'Grappin', into_the_void = 'Dans le Vide', smoke_launcher = 'Lance-fumigène', nox_gas_trap = 'Piège à gaz Nox', psyche_out = 'Dissuasion', stim = 'Stimulant', perimeter_security = 'Périmètre de sécurité', surveillance_drone = 'Drone de surveillance', silence = 'Silence', burglars_best_friend = 'Monte-en-l\'air', amped_cover = 'Champ de force', gravity_lift = 'Ascenseur de gravité', knuckle_cluster = 'Bombe à dispersion', missile_swarm = 'Salve de missiles', focus_of_attention = 'Centre d\'attention', }, ultimate = { name = 'Ultime', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Prédateur', defensive_bombardment = 'Pilonnage défensif', care_package = 'Pack de soutien', zipline_gun = 'Lance-tyrolienne', dimensiona_rift = 'Faille dimensionnelle', rolling_thunder = 'Tonnerre grondant', nox_gas_grenade = 'Grenade à gaz Nox', vanishing_act = 'Disparition', life_of_the_party = 'Extravagance', launch_pad = 'Tremplin', interception_pylon = 'Pylône d\'interception', drone_emp = 'Drone IEM', death_totem = 'Totem de frag', black_market_boutique = 'Boutique du Marché Noir', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Mitrailleuse montée "Sheila"', black_hole = 'Trou noir', the_motherlode = 'Gros lot', skyward_dive = 'Saut céleste', exhibit = 'Exposition', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Fusil longue portée léger semi-automatique.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'Alternator', description = 'Mitraillette automatique à double canon.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'Mitraillette R-99', description = 'Mitraillette automatique à tir rapide.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'Carabine R-301', description = 'Arme automatique de haute précision.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Pistolet semi-automatique.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 Auto', description = 'Pistolet automatique.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Puissant système de tir automatique.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Fusil d\'assaut Hemlok', description = 'Fusil d\'assaut qui tire des rafales de trois balles.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'M600 Spitfire', description = 'Mitrailleuse automatique.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'Revolver puissant.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = 'Répéteur 30-30', description = 'Répéteur lourd semi-auto. Amplifiez les dégâts infligés avec le viseur.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'ADP Prowler Burst', description = 'Mitraillette tirant des rafales de cinq balles.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'Mitrailleuse Rampage', description = 'Mitrailleuse thermique que vous pouvez charger avec des grenades dédiées pour augmenter la cadence de tir.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'EMG L-STAR', description = 'Mitrailleuse lourde à plasma.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'Fusil HAVOC', description = 'Fusil automatique à charge énergétique.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'Mitrailleuse Devotion', description = 'Mitrailleuse énergétique automatique.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'Mitraillette Volt', description = 'Mitraillette à charge énergétique.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Fusil Triple', full = 'Fusil Triple', description = 'Fusil de précision à triple canon. L\'accessoire Choke de précision réduit la dispersion quand vous zoomez.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Fusil à pompe Mastiff', description = 'Puissant fusil à pompe semi-automatique.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Auto', description = 'Fusil à pompe automatique.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Peacekeeper', full = 'Peacekeeper', description = 'Fusil à pompe à levier.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mozambique', full = 'Mozambique', description = 'Fusil à pompe à triple canon.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'Longbow-DMR', description = 'Fusil de précision semi-automatique.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Fusil à charge', full = 'Fusil à charge', description = 'Fusil de précision à faisceau chargé en particules.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Fusil de précision à verrou.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber .50', description = 'Puissant fusil de précision à verrou.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Arc Composite Bocek', description = 'Maintenez le tir pour augmenter la puissance.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'Mitraillette C.A.R.', description = 'Mitraillette polyvalente capable de tirer des munitions lourdes ou légères. Accepte des chargeurs lourds ou légers.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Étoile à arc', full = 'Étoile à arc', description = 'Colle à la cible et explose après un bref délai. Inflige des dégâts et trouble la vision.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Grenade frag', full = 'Grenade frag', description = 'Grenade explosive. Lancez la grenade pour l\'activer.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Grenade thermique', full = 'Grenade thermique', description = 'Crée un mur de flammes horizontal.', }, }, }, it = { category = { assault_rifle = { other = 'Fucile d\'assalto' }, sub_machine_gun = { other = 'SMG' }, light_machine_gun = { other = 'LMG' }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Tiratore scelto', other = 'Armi tiratore scelto', }, sniper = { one = 'Cecchino', other = 'Fucili di precisione', }, shotgun = { other = 'Shotgun' }, pistol = { one = 'Pistola', other = 'Pistole', }, thrown = { other = 'Da lancio' }, supply_drop = { one = 'Rifornimento', other = 'Rifornimenti', }, ultimate = { other = 'Ultimate' }, }, ammo = { name = 'Munizioni', light = 'Munizioni leggere', heavy = 'Munizioni pesanti', energy = 'Munizioni energetiche', sniper = 'Munizioni per cecchino', shotgun = 'Cartucce shotgun', arrows = 'Frecce', special_light = 'Speciali munizioni leggere', special_heavy = 'Speciali munizioni pesanti', special_energy = 'Speciali munizioni energetiche', special_sniper = 'Speciali munizioni per cecchino', special_shotgun = 'Speciali cartucce shotgun', special_arrows = 'Speciali frecce', minigun = '', }, attachment = { name = 'Accessorio', barrels = { name = 'Canna', barrel_stabilizer = 'Stabilizzatore canna', laser_sight = 'Mirino laser', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Caricatore', light = 'Caricatore leggero esteso', heavy = 'Caricatore pesante esteso', energy = 'Caricatore energetico esteso', sniper = 'Caricatore esteso per cecchino', }, gears = { name = 'Attrezzatura', backpack = 'Zaino', body_shield = 'Scudo corporeo', defenses = 'Difesa', evo_shield = 'Scudo evo', helmet = 'Casco', knockdown_shield = 'Scudo ausiliario', }, optics = { name = 'Ottica', onex_hcog_classic = '1x MOOC Classico', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x MOOC Bruiser', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x OLO', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x OLO Variabile', onex_digital_threat = '1x Minaccia Digitale', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x Ranger MOOC', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x AOG Variabile', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x Cecchino', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x Cecchino Variabile', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x Minaccia Cecchino Digitale', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Otturatore shotgun', stocks = { name = 'Calcio', standard = 'Calcio standard', sniper = 'Calcio da cecchino', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Hop-up', anvil_receiver = 'Castello', boosted_loader = 'Ricarica potenziata', deadeyes_tempo = 'Tempo tiratore scelto', disruptor_rounds = 'Munizioni perforascudi', double_tap_trigger = 'Grilletto a doppio sparo', dual_shell = 'Doppio colpo', graffiti_mod = 'Mod graffiti', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Munizioni Hammerpoint', kinetic_feeder = 'Alimentatore cinetico', precision_choke = 'Strozzatura di precisione', quickdraw_holster = 'Fondina a estrazione rapida', selectfire_receiver = 'Selettore di fuoco', shatter_caps = 'Punte a dispersione', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Rigatura perforacranio', splatter_rounds = 'Colpi arcobaleno', turbocharger = 'Turbocompressore', }, legends = { name = 'Leggende', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Valkyrie', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Passiva', tracker = 'Segugio', gun_shield = 'Scudo arma', combat_medic = 'Medico di guerra', combat_revive = 'Rianimazione in battagliia', insider_knowledge = 'Infiltrato', voices_from_the_void = 'Voci dall\'oblio', double_time = 'Doppio tempo', nox_vision = 'Visione Nox', encore = 'Bis!', now_you_see_me = 'Ora mi vedi...', swift_mend = 'Pronta guarigione', spark_of_genius = 'Lampo di genio', neurolink = 'Neurolink', stalker = 'Stalker', eye_for_quality = 'Occhio di lince', modded_loader = 'Caricatore modificato', spacewalk = 'Passeggiata spaziale', grenadier = 'Granatiere', vtol_jets = 'Jet VTOL', heart_seeker = 'Re di cuori', }, regen = { name = 'Rigenerazione', health = 'Salute', shield = 'Scudo', ultimate = 'Ultimate', combo = 'Combo', syringe = 'Siringa', medkit = 'Kit medico', shield_cell = 'Cella scudo', shield_battery = 'Batteria scudo', phoenix_kit = 'Kit fenice', ultimate_accelerant = 'Accelerante Ultimate', }, tactical = { name = 'Abilità tattica', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Occhio degli dei', dome_of_protection = 'Cupola protettiva', doc_heal_drone = 'Drone di guarigione', -- Website: 'D.O.C. Drone di guarigione' grappling_hook = 'Rampino', into_the_void = 'Nell\'oblio', smoke_launcher = 'Cortina di fumo', nox_gas_trap = 'Trappola gas Nox', psyche_out = 'Inganno', stim = 'Stimolanti', perimeter_security = 'Difesa perimetro', surveillance_drone = 'Drone di sorveglianza', silence = 'Silenzio', burglars_best_friend = 'Trucchi del mestiere', amped_cover = 'Copertura amplificata', gravity_lift = 'Ascensore gravitazionale', knuckle_cluster = 'Bomba a grappolo', missile_swarm = 'Tempesta di missili', focus_of_attention = 'Centro dell\'attenzione', }, ultimate = { name = 'Ultimate', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Istinto primordiale', defensive_bombardment = 'Pioggia di fuoco', care_package = 'Capsula assistenza', zipline_gun = 'Zipline master', dimensiona_rift = 'Porta dimensionale', rolling_thunder = 'Rombo di tuono', nox_gas_grenade = 'Granata gas Nox', vanishing_act = 'Sparisci', life_of_the_party = 'L\'anima della festa', launch_pad = 'Trampolino', interception_pylon = 'Traliccio d\'intercettazione', drone_emp = 'Tempesta elettromagnetica', death_totem = 'Totem della morte', black_market_boutique = 'Boutique del mercato nero', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Sheila - Mitragliatrice fissa', -- Website: 'Mitragliatrice fissa "Sheila"' black_hole = 'Buco nero', the_motherlode = 'Bombifragio', skyward_dive = 'Slancio etereo', exhibit = 'Opera d\'arte', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Fucile seemi-auto da tiratore scelto.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'Alternator', description = 'SMG completamente auto a doppia canna.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99', description = 'SMG a fuoco rapido automatico.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'Carabina R-301', description = 'Completamente automatico, a elevata precisione.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Pistola semiautomatica.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 automatica', description = 'Pistola automatica.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Completamente automatico con una buona potenza.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Hemlok', description = 'Fucile d\'assalto che spara raffiche di 3 colpi.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'M600 Spitfire', description = 'LMG automatica.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'Revolver ad alta potenza.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 Repeater', description = 'Fucile pesante a ripetiz. semi-auto. Mira per danni caricati extra.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'Prowler', description = 'SMG che spara raffiche di 5 colpi.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'LMG Rampage', description = 'LMG alimentata a fuoco. Per aumentare la cadenza di fuoco, caricala con le granate termite.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'EMG L-STAR', description = 'MG pesante al plasma.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'HAVOC', description = 'Fucile automatico a cariche di energia.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'Devotion', description = 'LMG a energia automatico.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'SMG Volt', description = 'SMG energia.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Triple Take', full = 'Triple Take', description = 'Fucile da tiratore scelto a tripla canna. La strozzatura riduce la diffusione durante lo zoom.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Mastiff', description = 'Potente shotgun semiautomatico.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Auto', description = 'Shotgun automatico.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Peacekeeper', full = 'Peacekeeper', description = 'Shotgun a leva.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mozambique', full = 'Mozambique', description = 'Pistola shotgun a tripla canna.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'Longbow', description = 'Fucile semiautomatico di precisione.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Radius', full = 'Radius', description = 'Fucile di precisione con raggio energetico caricato.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Fucile da cecchino a otturatore scorrevole.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber .50', description = 'Potente fucile da cecchino a otturatore scorrevole.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Arco compound Bocek', description = 'Mantieni il comando del tiro per aumentare la potenza.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'SMG C.A.R.', description = 'SMG versatile che può alternare munizioni leggere e pesanti. Usa caricatori leggeri o pesanti.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Stella arc', full = 'Stella arc', description = 'Si attacca ed esplode dopo qualche secondo. Provoca danni e visione offuscata.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Granata a frammentazione', full = 'Granata a frammentazione', description = 'Ordigno esplosivo. Gettalo per innescarlo.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Granata termite', full = 'Granata termite', description = 'Crea una barriera di fiamme orizzontale.', }, }, }, ja = { category = { assault_rifle = { other = 'アサルトライフル' }, sub_machine_gun = { other = 'サブマシンガン' }, light_machine_gun = { other = 'ライトマシンガン' }, marksman_weapon = { other = 'マークスマン武器' }, sniper = { other = 'スナイパーライフル' }, shotgun = { other = 'ショットガン' }, pistol = { other = 'ピストル' }, thrown = { other = '投てき' }, supply_drop = { other = '物資投下' }, ultimate = { other = 'アルティメット' }, }, ammo = { name = '弾薬', light = 'ライトアモ', heavy = 'ヘビーアモ', energy = 'エネルギーアモ', sniper = 'スナイパーアモ', shotgun = 'ショットガンアモ', arrows = 'アロー', special_light = '専用ライトアモ', special_heavy = '専用ヘビーアモ', special_energy = '専用エネルギーアモ', special_sniper = '専用スナイパーアモ', special_shotgun = '専用ショットガンアモ', special_arrows = '専用アロー', minigun = 'ミニガンアモ', }, attachment = { name = 'アタッチメント', barrels = { name = 'バレル', barrel_stabilizer = 'バレルスタビライザー', laser_sight = 'レーザーサイト', }, extended_mag = { name = 'マガジン', light = '拡張ライトマガジン', heavy = '拡張ヘビーマガジン', energy = '拡張エネルギーマガジン', sniper = '拡張スナイパーマガジン', }, gears = { name = '装備品', backpack = 'バックパック', body_shield = 'ボディーシールド', defenses = '防御', evo_shield = '進化式ボディーシールド', helmet = 'ヘルメット', knockdown_shield = 'ノックダウンシールド', }, optics = { name = 'スコープ', onex_hcog_classic = '1倍HCOG\'クラシック\'', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2倍HCOG\'ブルーザー\'', onex_reflex_holosight = '1倍ホロサイト', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1~2倍可変式ホロサイト', onex_digital_threat = '1倍デジタルスレット', threex_hcog_ranger = '3倍HCOG\'レンジャー\'', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2~4倍可変式AOG', sixx_sniper_scope = '6倍スナイパー', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4~8倍可変式スナイパー', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4~10倍デジタルスレット', }, shotgun_bolt = 'ショットガンボルト', stocks = { name = 'ストック', standard = '標準ストック', sniper = 'スナイパーストック', }, }, hopup = { name = 'ホップアップ', anvil_receiver = 'アンビルレシーバー', boosted_loader = 'ブーステッドローダー', deadeyes_tempo = 'デッドアイズテンポ', disruptor_rounds = 'ディスラプター弾', double_tap_trigger = 'ダブルタップトリガー', dual_shell = 'デュアルシェル', graffiti_mod = 'らくがきMOD', hammerpoint_rounds = 'ハンマーポイント弾', kinetic_feeder = 'キネティックフィーダー', precision_choke = 'プレシジョンチョーク', quickdraw_holster = 'クイックドローホルスター', selectfire_receiver = 'セレクトファイアレシーバー', shatter_caps = 'シャッターキャップ', skullpiercer_rifling = 'スカルピアサーライフリング', splatter_rounds = 'スプラッター弾', turbocharger = 'ターボチャージャー', }, legends = { name = 'レジェンド', bloodhound = 'ブラッドハウンド', gibraltar = 'ジブラルタル', lifeline = 'ライフライン', pathfinder = 'パスファインダー', wraith = 'レイス', bangalore = 'バンガロール', caustic = 'コースティック', mirage = 'ミラージュ', octane = 'オクタン', wattson = 'ワットソン', crypto = 'クリプト', revenant = 'レヴナント', loba = 'ローバ', rampart = 'ランパート', horizon = 'ホライゾン', fuse = 'ヒューズ', valkyrie = 'ヴァルキリー', seer = 'シア', }, passive = { name = 'パッシブ', tracker = 'トラッカー', gun_shield = 'ガンシールド', combat_medic = '戦う衛生兵', combat_revive = '戦闘復活', insider_knowledge = '内部情報', voices_from_the_void = '虚空からの声', double_time = '駆け足', nox_vision = 'Noxビジョン', encore = 'アンコール', now_you_see_me = '神出鬼没', swift_mend = '高速修復', spark_of_genius = '天才のひらめき', neurolink = 'ニューロリンク', stalker = 'ストーカー', eye_for_quality = 'アイフォークオリティ', modded_loader = '改造ローダー', spacewalk = 'スペースウォーク', grenadier = 'グレネーダー', vtol_jets = 'VTOLジェット', heart_seeker = 'ハートシーカー', }, regen = { name = '回復', health = '体力', shield = 'シールド', ultimate = 'アルティメット', combo = 'ミックス', syringe = '注射器', medkit = '医療キット', shield_cell = 'シールドセル', shield_battery = 'シールドバッテリー', phoenix_kit = 'フェニックスキット', ultimate_accelerant = 'アルティメット促進剤', }, tactical = { name = '戦術', eye_of_the_allfather = '全能の目', dome_of_protection = 'プロテクトドーム', doc_heal_drone = 'D.O.C.ヒールドローン', grappling_hook = 'グラップリングフック', into_the_void = '虚空へ', smoke_launcher = 'スモークランチャー', nox_gas_trap = 'Noxガストラップ', psyche_out = 'サイクアウト', stim = '興奮剤', perimeter_security = '周辺セキュリティ', surveillance_drone = 'スパイドローン', silence = 'サイレンス', burglars_best_friend = '盗賊の相棒', amped_cover = '増幅バリケード', gravity_lift = 'グラビティリフト', knuckle_cluster = 'ナックルクラスター', missile_swarm = 'ミサイルスワーム', focus_of_attention = 'フォーカス・オブ・アテンション', }, ultimate = { name = 'アルティメット', beast_of_the_hunt = 'ハンティングビースト', defensive_bombardment = '防衛爆撃', care_package = 'ケアパッケージ', zipline_gun = 'ジップラインガン', dimensiona_rift = 'ディメンションリフト', rolling_thunder = 'ローリングサンダー', nox_gas_grenade = 'Noxガスグレネード', vanishing_act = 'ファントム', life_of_the_party = 'パーティーライフ', launch_pad = 'ジャンプパッド', interception_pylon = 'インターセプターパイロン', drone_emp = 'ドローンEMP', death_totem = 'デストーテム', black_market_boutique = 'ブラックマーケット', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'ミニガン「シーラ」', black_hole = 'ブラックホール', the_motherlode = 'マザーロード', skyward_dive = 'スカイハイダイブ', exhibit = 'ショーケース', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7スカウト', full = 'G7スカウト', description = 'セミオートの狙撃手用軽量ライフル。', }, alternator = { short = 'オルタネーター', full = 'オルタネーターSMG', description = 'ツインバレルのフルオートSMG。', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99 SMG', description = '高速連射が可能な自動SMG。', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'R-301カービン', description = 'フルオートで高精度。', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'セミオートピストル。', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45オート', description = 'フルオートピストル。', }, flatline = { short = 'フラットライン', full = 'VK-47フラットライン', description = '威力十分のフルオート銃。', }, hemlok = { short = 'ヘムロック', full = 'ヘムロックバーストAR', description = '3連バーストのアサルトライフル。', }, spitfire = { short = 'スピットファイア', full = 'M600スピットファイア', description = 'フルオートのLMG。', }, wingman = { short = 'ウィングマン', full = 'ウィングマン', description = '高威力のリボルバー。', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30リピーター', description = 'セミオートのヘビーリピーター。エイムでチャージした分のボーナスダメージが追加される。', }, prowler = { short = 'プラウラー', full = 'プラウラーバーストPDW', description = '5連バーストSMG。', }, rampage = { short = 'ランページ', full = 'ランページLMG', description = '火力特化のLMG。テルミットをチャージすると連射速度が上昇。', }, lstar = { short = 'L-スター', full = 'L-スターEMG', description = 'プラズマエネルギーを充填したヘビーマシンガン。', }, havoc = { short = 'ハボック', full = 'ハボックライフル', description = 'フルオートのチャージ式エネルギーライフル。', }, devotion = { short = 'ディヴォーション', full = 'ディヴォーションLMG', description = 'フルオートのエネルギーLMG。', }, volt = { short = 'ボルト', full = 'ボルトSMG', description = 'エネルギー駆動式のSMG。', }, tripletake = { short = 'トリプルテイク', full = 'トリプルテイク', description = 'トリプルバレルのマークスマンライフル。チョークはエイム時弾丸の拡散を抑制する。', }, mastiff = { short = 'マスティフ', full = 'マスティフショットガン', description = '強力なセミオートのショットガン。', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8オート', description = 'フルオートショットガン。', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'ピースキーパー', full = 'ピースキーパー', description = 'レバーアクション式ショットガン。', }, mozambique = { short = 'モザンビーク', full = 'モザンビークショットガン', description = 'トリプルバレルのショットガンピストル。', }, longbow = { short = 'ロングボウ', full = 'ロングボウDMR', description = 'セミオートのスナイパーライフル。', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'チャージライフル', full = 'チャージライフル', description = 'チャージビーム式スナイパーライフル。', }, sentinel = { short = 'センチネル', full = 'センチネル', description = 'ボルトアクション。チャージ時にダメージが増加。', }, kraber = { short = 'クレーバー', full = 'クレーバー.50スナイパー', description = 'ボルトアクション式の強力なスナイパーライフル。', }, bocek = { short = 'ボセック', full = 'ボセックコンパウンドボウ', description = '溜めて撃つことで、ダメージが増加する。', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'C.A.R. SMG', description = '汎用型SMG。ライトアモとヘビーアモを切り替えて使用できる。ライトマガジンとヘビーマガジンの両方に対応する。', }, arc_star = { short = 'アークスター', full = 'アークスター', description = '接着後に一瞬おいて爆発する。ダメージを与え視界をかすませる。', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'フラググレネード', full = 'フラググレネード', description = '携行型爆弾。投げると信管が作動する。', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'テルミットグレネード', full = 'テルミットグレネード', description = '横方向に炎の壁を作り出す。', }, }, }, ko = { category = { assault_rifle = { other = '어설트 라이플' }, sub_machine_gun = { other = '기관단총' }, light_machine_gun = { other = '경기관총' }, marksman_weapon = { other = '마크스맨 무기' }, sniper = { other = '스나이퍼 라이플' }, shotgun = { other = '샷건' }, pistol = { other = '피스톨' }, thrown = { other = '투척' }, supply_drop = { other = '보급품' }, ultimate = { other = '얼티밋 스킬' }, }, ammo = { name = '탄약', light = '경량 탄약', heavy = '중량 탄약', energy = '에너지 탄약', sniper = '스나이퍼 탄약', shotgun = '샷건 탄환', arrows = '화살', special_light = '특수 경량 탄약', special_heavy = '특수 중량 탄약', special_energy = '특수 에너지 탄약', special_sniper = '특수 스나이퍼 탄약', special_shotgun = '특수 샷건 탄환', special_arrows = '특수 화살', minigun = '미니건 탄약', }, attachment = { name = '부착물', barrels = { name = '총신', barrel_stabilizer = '총신 안정기', laser_sight = '레이저 사이트', }, extended_mag = { name = '탄창', light = '경량 확장 탄창', heavy = '중량 확장 탄창', energy = '에너지 확장 탄창', sniper = '스나이퍼 확장 탄창', }, gears = { name = '기어', backpack = '백팩', body_shield = '보디 실드', defenses = '방어', evo_shield = '이보 실드', helmet = '헬멧', knockdown_shield = '녹다운 실드', }, optics = { name = '조준경', onex_hcog_classic = '1x HCOG \'클래식\'', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x HCOG \'브루저\'', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x 홀로스코프', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x 가변형 홀로스코프', onex_digital_threat = '1x 디지털 스레트', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x HCOG \'레인저\'', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x 가변형 AOG', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x 스나이퍼', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x 가변형 스나이퍼', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x 디지털 스나이퍼 스레트', }, shotgun_bolt = '샷건 볼트', stocks = { name = '개머리판', standard = '일반 개머리판', sniper = '저격용 개머리판', }, }, hopup = { name = '사거리 연장', anvil_receiver = '앤빌 리시버', boosted_loader = '부스티드 장전기', deadeyes_tempo = '데드아이 템포', disruptor_rounds = '분쇄탄', double_tap_trigger = '더블 탭 트리거', dual_shell = '듀얼 셸', graffiti_mod = '그래피티 모드', hammerpoint_rounds = '추공탄', kinetic_feeder = '키네틱 피더', precision_choke = '정밀 초크', quickdraw_holster = '퀵드로 홀스터', selectfire_receiver = '사격 방식 선택기', shatter_caps = '산탄형 촉', skullpiercer_rifling = '관통형 강선', splatter_rounds = '스플래터탄', turbocharger = '터보차저', }, legends = { name = '레전드', bloodhound = '블러드하운드', gibraltar = '지브롤터', lifeline = '라이프라인', pathfinder = '패스파인더', wraith = '레이스', bangalore = '방갈로르', caustic = '코스틱', mirage = '미라지', octane = '옥테인', wattson = '왓슨', crypto = '크립토', revenant = '레버넌트', loba = '로바', rampart = '램파트', horizon = '호라이즌', fuse = '퓨즈', valkyrie = '발키리', seer = '시어', }, passive = { name = '패시브', tracker = '추적기', gun_shield = '건 실드', combat_medic = '전투 의무병', combat_revive = '전투 회생', insider_knowledge = '내부 정보', voices_from_the_void = '공허의 목소리', double_time = '더블 타임', nox_vision = '녹스 비전', encore = '앙코르!', now_you_see_me = '이제 내가 보이는가...', -- Website: '이제 내가 보이는가 . . .' swift_mend = '빠른 치료', spark_of_genius = '천재의 스파크', neurolink = '뉴로링크', stalker = '스토커', eye_for_quality = '고급을 보는 눈', modded_loader = '개조 장전기', spacewalk = '우주 유영', grenadier = '척탄병', vtol_jets = 'VTOL 제트', heart_seeker = '하트 시커', }, regen = { name = '재생', health = '체력', shield = '실드', ultimate = '얼티밋 스킬', combo = '콤보', syringe = '주사기', medkit = '구급 키트', shield_cell = '실드 셀', shield_battery = '실드 배터리', phoenix_kit = '피닉스 키트', ultimate_accelerant = '얼티밋 스킬 촉진제', }, tactical = { name = '전술', eye_of_the_allfather = '신의 눈', dome_of_protection = '보호의 돔', doc_heal_drone = 'D.O.C 치유 드론', grappling_hook = '그래플링 훅', into_the_void = '공허 속으로', smoke_launcher = '스모크 런처', nox_gas_trap = '녹스 가스 트랩', psyche_out = '사이키 아웃', stim = '자극제', perimeter_security = '주변 보안 장치', -- Website: '주변 보안' surveillance_drone = '감시 드론', silence = '비명 차단기', burglars_best_friend = '도둑의 절친', amped_cover = '증폭 엄폐물', gravity_lift = '중력 리프트', knuckle_cluster = '너클 클러스터', missile_swarm = '미사일 스웜', focus_of_attention = '관심 집중', }, ultimate = { name = '얼티밋 스킬', beast_of_the_hunt = '사냥의 야수', defensive_bombardment = '방어 포격', care_package = '케어 패키지', zipline_gun = '집라인 건', dimensiona_rift = '차원 균열', rolling_thunder = '롤링 선더', nox_gas_grenade = '녹스 가스 수류탄', vanishing_act = '소멸', life_of_the_party = '파티의 주인공', launch_pad = '런치 패드', interception_pylon = '인터셉션 파일런', drone_emp = '드론 EMP', death_totem = '데스 토템', black_market_boutique = '블랙 마켓 부티크', emplaced_minigun_sheila = '설치형 미니건 "쉴라"', black_hole = '블랙홀', the_motherlode = '마더로드', skyward_dive = '스카이워드 다이브', exhibit = '전시', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 스카우트', full = 'G7 스카우트', description = '세미오토 라이트 마크스맨 라이플.', }, alternator = { short = '얼터네이터', full = '얼터네이터 SMG', description = '이중 총신의 완전 자동 SMG.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99 SMG', description = '속사형 자동 SMG.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'R-301 카빈', description = '명중률이 높은 완전 자동 총기.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = '반자동 피스톨.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 자동', description = '완전 자동 피스톨.', }, flatline = { short = '플랫라인', full = 'VK-47 플랫라인', description = '강력한 완전 자동 총기.', }, hemlok = { short = '헴록', full = '헴록 버스트 AR', description = '3발 점사식 어설트 라이플.', }, spitfire = { short = '스핏파이어', full = 'M600 스핏파이어', description = '완전 자동 LMG.', }, wingman = { short = '윙맨', full = '윙맨', description = '강력한 리볼버.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 리피터', description = '반자동 중량 리피터입니다. ADS를 하면 대미지 보너스가 충전됩니다.', }, prowler = { short = '프라울러', full = '프라울러 점사 PDW', description = '5발 점사식 SMG.', }, rampage = { short = '램페이지', full = '램페이지 LMG', description = '테르밋으로 충전해 사격 속도를 강화할 수 있는 LMG입니다.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR EMG', description = '플라스마로 가동되는 중량 MG.', }, havoc = { short = '하복', full = '하복 라이플', description = '완전 자동 에너지 충전 소총.', }, devotion = { short = '디보션', full = '디보션 LMG', description = '완전 자동 에너지 경기관총.', }, volt = { short = '볼트', full = '볼트 SMG', description = '에너지 작동신 SMG입니다.', }, tripletake = { short = '트리플 테이크', full = '트리플 테이크', description = '총열이 세 개인 마크스맨 라이플. 초크를 사용하면 조준 시 탄 퍼짐이 감소함.', }, mastiff = { short = '마스티프', full = '마스티프 샷건', description = '강력한 반자동 샷건.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 자동', description = '완전 자동 샷건.', }, peacekeeper = { short = '피스키퍼', full = '피스키퍼', description = '레버 액션식 샷건.', }, mozambique = { short = '모잠비크', full = '모잠비크 샷건', description = '총열이 세 개인 샷건 피스톨.', }, longbow = { short = '롱보우', full = '롱보우 DMR', description = '반자동 스나이퍼 라이플.', }, charge_rifle = { short = '차지 라이플', full = '차지 라이플', description = '충전식 빔 스나이퍼 라이플입니다.', }, sentinel = { short = '센티넬', full = '센티넬', description = '볼트 액션 스나이퍼.', }, kraber = { short = '크레이버', full = '크레이버 .50 구경 저격총', description = '수동식 노리쇠를 사용하는 강력한 스나이퍼 라이플.', }, bocek = { short = '보섹', full = '보섹 컴파운드 보우', description = '발사 버튼을 홀드하면 위력이 증가합니다.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'C.A.R. SMG', description = '경량 및 중량 탄약을 사용하는 적응형 SMG. 경량 또는 중량 탄창을 장착할 수 있음.', }, arc_star = { short = '아크 스타', full = '아크 스타', description = '목표 지점에 부착 후폭발. 대미지 및 시야 방해.', }, frag_grenade = { short = '파편 수류탄', full = '파편 수류탄', description = '폭발물. 던지면 신관 작동.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = '테르밋 수류탄', full = '테르밋 수류탄', description = '좌우로 번지는 불의 장벽 생성.', }, }, }, pl = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Karabin szturmowy', other = 'Karabiny szturmowe', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'Pistolet maszynowy', other = 'Pistolety maszynowe', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'Lekki karabin maszynowy', other = 'Lekkie karabiny maszynowe', }, marksman_weapon = { other = 'Broń wyborowa', }, sniper = { one = 'Karabin snajperski', other = 'Karabiny snajperskie', }, shotgun = { one = 'Strzelba', other = 'Strzelby', }, pistol = { one = 'Pistolet', other = 'Pistolety', }, thrown = { other = 'Do rzucania', }, supply_drop = { one = 'Zrzut zaopatrzenia', other = 'Zrzuty zaopatrzenia', }, ultimate = { other = 'Zdolność specjalna', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Amunicja', light = 'Lekka amunicja', heavy = 'Ciężka amunicja', energy = 'Amunicja energetyczna', sniper = 'Amunicja snajperska', shotgun = 'Naboje do strzelby', arrows = 'Stazały', special_light = 'Lekka amunicja specjalna', special_heavy = 'Ciężka amunicja specjalna', special_energy = 'Specjalna amunicja energetyczna', special_sniper = 'Specjalna amunicja snajperska', special_shotgun = 'Specjalna naboje do strzelby', special_arrows = 'Specjalna stazały', minigun = 'Minigun Ammo', }, attachment = { name = 'Attachment', barrels = { name = 'Lufa', barrel_stabilizer = 'Stabilizator lufy', laser_sight = 'Celownik laserowy', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Magazynek', light = 'Powiększenie lekkiego magazynku', heavy = 'Powiększenie ciężkiego magazynku"', energy = 'Powiększenie magazynku energetyczny', sniper = 'Powiększenie magazynku snajperskiego', }, gears = { name = 'Sprzęt', backpack = 'Plecak', body_shield = 'Osłona osobista', defenses = 'Obrona', evo_shield = 'Ewoluująca osłona', helmet = 'Hełm', knockdown_shield = 'Osłona leżącego', }, optics = { name = 'Celownik', onex_hcog_classic = '1x OCH „Klasyczny”', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x OCH „Mocarz”', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x Holo', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x Regulowany Holo', onex_digital_threat = '1x Cyfrowy Wykrywacz Zagrożeń', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x OCH „Strażnik”', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x Regulowany AOG', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x Celownik Snajperski', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x Regulowany Celownik Snajperski', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x Snajperski Wykrywacz Zagrożeń', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Rygiel do strzelby', stocks = { name = 'Kolba', standard = 'Standardowa kolba', sniper = 'Kolba snajperska', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Ulepszenie', anvil_receiver = 'Podajnik kowadełkowy', boosted_loader = 'Wzmocniony zasobnik', deadeyes_tempo = 'Strzeleckie tempo', disruptor_rounds = 'Amunicja zagłuszająca', double_tap_trigger = 'Spust dwustrzałowy', dual_shell = 'Podwójny pocisk', graffiti_mod = 'Modyfikacja Graffiti', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Pociski Hammerpoint', kinetic_feeder = 'Podajnik kinetyczny', precision_choke = 'Czok celowniczy', quickdraw_holster = 'Kabura szybkiego dobywania', selectfire_receiver = 'Przełącznik ognia', shatter_caps = 'Groty rozpryskowe', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Skullpiercer', splatter_rounds = 'Pociski z farbą', turbocharger = 'Dźwignia naciągu', }, legends = { name = 'Legendę', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Walkiria', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Zdolność pasywna', tracker = 'Tropiciel', gun_shield = 'Tarcza balistyczna', combat_medic = 'Medyk bojowy', combat_revive = 'Opatrunek bojowy', insider_knowledge = 'Poufne informacje', voices_from_the_void = 'Głosy z Otchłani', double_time = 'Szybsze tempo', nox_vision = 'Obraz Nox', encore = 'Bis!', now_you_see_me = 'Raz mnie widać…', swift_mend = 'Samoregeneracja', spark_of_genius = 'Przebłysk geniuszu', neurolink = 'Neurolink', stalker = 'Tropiciel', eye_for_quality = 'Oko do błyskotek', modded_loader = 'Zmodyfikowany zasobnik', spacewalk = 'Kosmiczna wędrówka', grenadier = 'Grenadier', vtol_jets = 'Silniki odrzutowe VTOL', heart_seeker = 'Poszukiwacz serc', }, regen = { name = 'Regeneracja', health = 'Zdrowie', shield = 'Tarcza', ultimate = 'Zdolność specjalna', combo = 'Kombinacja', syringe = 'Strzykawka', medkit = 'Apteczka', shield_cell = 'Ogniwo osłony', shield_battery = 'Bateria osłony', phoenix_kit = 'Zestaw Feniksa', ultimate_accelerant = 'Specjalny akcelerator', }, tactical = { name = 'Zdolność taktyczna', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Oko Wszechojca', dome_of_protection = 'Kopuła ochronna', doc_heal_drone = 'Dron leczący D.O.C.', grappling_hook = 'Hak z liną', into_the_void = 'Przez otchłań', smoke_launcher = 'Wyrzutnia dymu', nox_gas_trap = 'Pułapka gazowa Nox', psyche_out = 'Chora psychika', stim = 'Stymulant', perimeter_security = 'Zapora bezpieczeństwa', surveillance_drone = 'Dron monitorujący', silence = 'Uciszenie', burglars_best_friend = 'Najlepszy przyjaciel włamywacza', amped_cover = 'Osłona', gravity_lift = 'Winda grawitacyjna', knuckle_cluster = 'Druzgocące uderzenie', missile_swarm = 'Rój pocisków', focus_of_attention = 'Skupienie uwagi', }, ultimate = { name = 'Zdolność specjalna', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Dziki łowca', defensive_bombardment = 'Bombardowanie', care_package = 'Zrzut zaopatrzenia', zipline_gun = 'Działo z linką', dimensiona_rift = 'Wrota wymiarów', rolling_thunder = 'Piorun kulisty', nox_gas_grenade = 'Granat z gazem Nox', vanishing_act = 'Zniknięcie', life_of_the_party = 'Dusza towarzystwa', launch_pad = 'Odskocznia', interception_pylon = 'Pylon przechwytujący', drone_emp = 'Impuls drona', death_totem = 'Totem śmierci', black_market_boutique = 'Czarnorynkowy butik', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Rozstawione działko „Sheila”', black_hole = 'Czarna dziura', the_motherlode = 'Wielki moździerz', skyward_dive = 'Wzlot ku niebiosom', exhibit = 'Wystawa', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Półautomatyczny lekki karabin wyborowy.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'PM Alternator', description = 'Dwulufowy automatyczny pistolet maszynowy.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'PM R-99', description = 'Szybkostrzelny automatyczny pistolet maszynowy.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'Karabin R-301', description = 'Broń automatyczna o dużej celności.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Pistolet półautomatyczny.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 Auto', description = 'Pistolet automatyczny.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Broń automatyczna o dużej sile rażenia.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Karabin Hemlok', description = 'Karabin szturmowy strzelający serią 3 pocisków.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'M600 Spitfire', description = 'Automatyczny lekki karabin maszynowy.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'Potężny rewolwer.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 Repeater', description = 'Półautomatyczny, ciężki karabin. Celowanie zwiększa obrażenia.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'Prowler Burst PDW', description = 'Pistolet maszynowy strzelający serią 5 pocisków.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'LKM Rampage', description = 'LKM zasilany ogniem. Ładowanie granatami termitowymi zwiększa szybkostrzelność.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR EMG', description = 'Ciężki karabin maszynowy strzelający plazmą.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'Karabin HAVOC', description = 'Automatyczny karabin energetyczny.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'LKM Devotion', description = 'Automatyczny, energetyczny LKM.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'PM Volt', description = 'Energetyczny PM.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Triple Take', full = 'Triple Take', description = 'Trzylufowy karabin wyborowy. Czok zmniejsza rozrzut przy celowaniu przez przyrządy.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Strzelba Mastiff', description = 'Potężna strzelba półautomatyczna.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Auto', description = 'Strzelba automatyczna.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Peacekeeper', full = 'Peacekeeper', description = 'Strzelba z mechanizmem dźwigniowym.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mozambique', full = 'Strzelba Mozambique', description = 'Trzylufowa strzelba.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'Longbow DMR', description = 'Półautomatyczny karabin snajperski.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Karabin Ładunkowy', full = 'Karabin Ładunkowy', description = 'Karabin snajperski z ładowaną wiązką.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Snajperski karabin powtarzalny.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber .50', description = 'Potężny snajperski karabin powtarzalny.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Łuk bloczkowy Bocek', description = 'Przytrzymaj przycisk strzału, aby zwiększyć moc.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'PM CAR', description = 'PM dostosowany do strzelania zarówno lekką, jak i ciężką amunicją. Umożliwia korzystanie z lekkich lub ciężkich magazynków.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Gwiazda energetyczna', full = 'Gwiazda energetyczna', description = 'Przyczepia się do celu i po chwili wybucha.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Granat odłamkowy', full = 'Granat odłamkowy', description = 'Ładunek wybuchowy. Rzuć, by aktywować zapalnik.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Granat termitowy', full = 'Granat termitowy', description = 'Tworzy szeroką ścianę ognia.', }, }, }, pt = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Fuzil de assalto', other = 'Fuzis de assalto', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'Submetralhadora', other = 'Submetralhadoras', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'Metralhadora leve', other = 'Metralhadoras leves', }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Arma de atirador', other = 'Armas de atirador', }, sniper = { one = 'Fuzil de precisão', other = 'Fuzis de precisão', }, shotgun = { one = 'Escopeta', other = 'Escopetas', }, pistol = { one = 'Pistola', other = 'Pistolas', }, thrown = { other = 'Arremesso', }, supply_drop = { other = 'Entrega de suprimentos', }, ultimate = { other = 'Ultimate', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Munição', light = 'Projéteis Leves', heavy = 'Projéteis Pesados', energy = 'Munição de Energia', sniper = 'Munição de Precisão', shotgun = 'Cartuchos de Escopeta', arrows = 'Flechas', special_light = 'Projéteis Especial Leves', special_heavy = 'Projéteis Especial Pesados', special_energy = 'Munição Especial de Energia', special_sniper = 'Munição Especial de Precisão', special_shotgun = 'Cartuchos Especiais de Escopeta', special_arrows = 'Especial Flechas', minigun = 'Minigun Ammo', }, attachment = { name = 'Acessório', barrels = { name = 'Cano', barrel_stabilizer = 'Estabilizador de Cano', laser_sight = 'Mira laser', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Carregador', light = 'Carregador Leve Estendido', heavy = 'Carregador Pesado Estendido', energy = 'Carregador de Energia Estendido', sniper = 'Carregador Estendido de Precisão', }, gears = { name = 'Equipamento', backpack = 'Mochila', body_shield = 'Escudo Corporal', defenses = 'Defesa', evo_shield = 'Escudo Evo', helmet = 'Capacete', knockdown_shield = 'Escudo de Recuo', }, optics = { name = 'Mira ótica', onex_hcog_classic = 'MOHC Classic 1x', twox_hcog_bruiser = 'MOHC Bruiser 2x', onex_reflex_holosight = 'Holo 1x', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = 'Holo Variável 1x-2x', onex_digital_threat = 'Ameaça Digital 1x', threex_hcog_ranger = 'MOHC Ranger 3x', twox_fourx_variable_acog = 'MOA Variável 2x-4x', sixx_sniper_scope = 'Fuzil de Precisão 6x', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = 'Fuzil de Precisão Variável 4x-8x', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = 'Ameaça Digital de Precisão 4x-10x', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Ferrolho de Escopeta', stocks = { name = 'Coronha', standard = 'Coronha Padrão', sniper = 'Coronha de Fuzil de Precisão', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Encaixe', anvil_receiver = 'Impacto Duplo', boosted_loader = 'Carregador Reforçado', deadeyes_tempo = 'Tempo do Atirador', disruptor_rounds = 'Munição Disruptora', double_tap_trigger = 'Gatilho Duplo', dual_shell = 'Tiro Duplo', graffiti_mod = 'Modificador Arte Urbana', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Munição de ponta de martelo', kinetic_feeder = 'Alimentador Cinético', precision_choke = 'Funil de Precisão', quickdraw_holster = 'Coldre de Saque Rápido', selectfire_receiver = 'Seletor de Disparo', shatter_caps = 'Cápsulas de Estilhaço', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Perfurador de Crânios', splatter_rounds = 'Respingo de Munição', turbocharger = 'Turbocompressor', }, legends = { name = 'Lendas', bloodhound = 'Bloodhound', gibraltar = 'Gibraltar', lifeline = 'Lifeline', pathfinder = 'Pathfinder', wraith = 'Wraith', bangalore = 'Bangalore', caustic = 'Caustic', mirage = 'Mirage', octane = 'Octane', wattson = 'Wattson', crypto = 'Crypto', revenant = 'Revenant', loba = 'Loba', rampart = 'Rampart', horizon = 'Horizon', fuse = 'Fuse', valkyrie = 'Valkyrie', seer = 'Seer', }, passive = { name = 'Passiva', tracker = 'Rastreador', gun_shield = 'Escudo de Arma', combat_medic = 'Médica de Combate', combat_revive = 'Reanimação em Combate', insider_knowledge = 'Fontes Internas', voices_from_the_void = 'Vozes do vazio', double_time = 'Asas nos pés', nox_vision = 'Visão Nox', encore = 'Bis!', now_you_see_me = 'Agora Você Me Vê...', swift_mend = 'Reparo Rápido', spark_of_genius = 'Carregamento Relâmpago', neurolink = 'Neurolink', stalker = 'Stalker', eye_for_quality = 'De Olho na Qualidade', modded_loader = 'Carregador Modificado', spacewalk = 'Andar Espacial', grenadier = 'Granadeiro', vtol_jets = 'Jatos VTOL', heart_seeker = 'Busca de Coração', }, regen = { name = 'Regeneração', health = 'Vida', shield = 'Escudo', ultimate = 'Suprema', combo = 'Combo', syringe = 'Seringa', medkit = 'Kit Médico', shield_cell = 'Célula de Escudo', shield_battery = 'Bateria de Escudo', phoenix_kit = 'Kit Fênix', ultimate_accelerant = 'Acelerador de Suprema', }, tactical = { name = 'Habilidade Tática', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Olho do Pai de Todos', dome_of_protection = 'Domo de Proteção', doc_heal_drone = 'Dr. Cura', -- Website: 'Drone Dr. Cura' grappling_hook = 'Gancho', into_the_void = 'Adentrando o Vazio', smoke_launcher = 'Lançador de Fumaça', nox_gas_trap = 'Armadilha de Gás Nox', psyche_out = 'Astúcia', stim = 'Estimulante', perimeter_security = 'Segurança de Perímetro', surveillance_drone = 'Drone de Vigilância', silence = 'Silêncio', burglars_best_friend = 'Melhor Amigo da Ladra', amped_cover = 'Cobertura Amplificada', gravity_lift = 'Elevador Gravitacional', knuckle_cluster = 'Bomba de Fragmentação', missile_swarm = 'Enxame de Mísseis', focus_of_attention = 'Foco de Atenção', }, ultimate = { name = 'Suprema', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Fera da Caça', defensive_bombardment = 'Bombardeio Defensivo', care_package = 'Cápsula de suprimentos', zipline_gun = 'Arma de Tirolesa', dimensiona_rift = 'Fenda Dimensional', rolling_thunder = 'Estrondo do trovão', nox_gas_grenade = 'Granada de Gás Nox', vanishing_act = 'Desaparecer', life_of_the_party = 'Animação da Festa', launch_pad = 'Suporte de Salto', interception_pylon = 'Torre Interceptora', drone_emp = 'PEM do Drone', death_totem = 'Totem da Morte', black_market_boutique = 'Butique do Mercado Negro', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Sheila - Minigun Estacionária', black_hole = 'Buraco Negro', the_motherlode = 'Megabomba', skyward_dive = 'Salto Ascendente', exhibit = 'Exposição', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 Scout', full = 'G7 Scout', description = 'Fuzil leve de atirador semiautomático.', }, alternator = { short = 'Alternator', full = 'SM Alternator', description = 'Submetralhadora automática de barril duplo.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'SM R-99', description = 'Submetralhadora de disparo rápido.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'Carabina R-301', description = 'Totalmente automática com alta precisão.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Pistola semiautomática.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 Automática', description = 'Pistola automática.', }, flatline = { short = 'Flatline', full = 'VK-47 Flatline', description = 'Totalmente automática com certa potência.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Hemlok', full = 'Hemlok', description = 'Fuzil de assalto com rajada de 3 disparos.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Spitfire', full = 'M600 Spitfire', description = 'Metralhadora leve automática.', }, wingman = { short = 'Wingman', full = 'Wingman', description = 'Revólver de alta potência.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = 'Repeater 30-30', description = 'Semiautomático pesado de repetição. Mire para receber um bônus de danos.', }, prowler = { short = 'Prowler', full = 'Prowler Burst PDW', description = 'Submetralhadora com rajada de 5 disparos.', }, rampage = { short = 'Rampage', full = 'Rampage LMG', description = 'Metralhadora leve de fogo. Carregue com Termites para aumentar a cadência de tiro.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR', description = 'Metralhadora pesada movida a plasma.', }, havoc = { short = 'HAVOC', full = 'HAVOC', description = 'Fuzil automático de energia carregado.', }, devotion = { short = 'Devotion', full = 'Devotion', description = 'Metralhadora leve automática de energia.', }, volt = { short = 'Volt', full = 'SM Volt', description = 'Submetralhadora acionada por energia.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Triple Take', full = 'Triple Take', description = 'Fuzil de precisão de cano triplo. Funil reduz dispersão ao usar a mira.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Mastiff', full = 'Mastiff', description = 'Escopeta semiautomática poderosa.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Automática', description = 'Escopeta automática.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Peacekeeper', full = 'Peacekeeper', description = 'Escopeta com alavanca.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Mozambique', full = 'Mozambique', description = 'Pistola-escopeta de cano triplo.', }, longbow = { short = 'Longbow', full = 'Longbow', description = 'Fuzil de precisão semiautomático.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Rifle de Carga', full = 'Rifle de Carga', description = 'Fuzil de precisão de energia carregada.', }, sentinel = { short = 'Sentinel', full = 'Sentinel', description = 'Fuzil de precisão com ferrolho.', }, kraber = { short = 'Kraber', full = 'Kraber Calibre .50', description = 'Fuzil de precisão poderoso de ferrolho.', }, bocek = { short = 'Bocek', full = 'Arco Composto Bocek', description = 'Mantenha o botão de disparo para aumentar a potência.', }, car_smg = { short = 'MCA', full = 'Submetralhadora C.A.R.', description = 'Submetralhadora adaptável que troca entre munição leve e pesada. Aceita carregador leve ou pesado.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Estrela Voltaica', full = 'Estrela Voltaica', description = 'Cola e explode logo depois. Causa dano e embaça a visão.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Granada de Fragmentação', full = 'Granada de Fragmentação', description = 'Explosivo. Arremesse a granada para ativar.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Granada de Termite', full = 'Granada de Termite', description = 'Cria uma barreira de chamas horizontal.', }, }, }, ru = { category = { assault_rifle = { one = 'Штурмовая винтовка', other = 'Штурмовые винтовки', }, sub_machine_gun = { one = 'Пистолет-пулемет', other = 'Пистолеты-пулеметы', }, light_machine_gun = { one = 'Ручной пулемет', other = 'Ручные пулеметы', }, marksman_weapon = { one = 'Оружие марксмана', other = 'Оружия марксмана', }, sniper = { one = 'Снайперская винтовка', other = 'Снайперские винтовки', }, shotgun = { one = 'Дробовик', other = 'Дробовики', }, pistol = { one = 'Пистолет', other = 'Пистолеты', }, thrown = { one = 'Ценный металл', other = 'Ценные металлы', }, supply_drop = { one = 'Сброшенной припас', other = 'Сброшенные припасы', }, ultimate = { other = 'Спецумение', }, }, ammo = { name = 'Боеприпасы', light = 'Легкие боеприпасы', heavy = 'Тяжелые боеприпасы', energy = 'Энергетические боеприпасы', sniper = 'Боеприпасы для снайперской винтовки', shotgun = 'Патроны для дробовика', arrows = 'Стрелы', special_light = 'Специальные легкие боеприпасы', special_heavy = 'Специальные тяжелые боеприпасы', special_energy = 'Специальные энергетические боеприпасы', special_sniper = 'Специальные боеприпасы для снайперской винтовки', special_shotgun = 'Специальные патроны для дробовика', special_arrows = 'Специальные стрелы', minigun = 'Minigun Ammo', }, attachment = { name = 'Модификация', barrels = { name = 'Ствол', barrel_stabilizer = 'Ствольный стабилизатор', laser_sight = 'Лазерный прицел', }, extended_mag = { name = 'Магазин', light = 'Увеличенный легкий магазин', heavy = 'Увеличенный тяжелый магазин', energy = 'Увеличенный энергетический магазин', sniper = 'Увеличенный магазин для снайперской винтовки', }, gears = { name = 'Снаряжение', backpack = 'Ранец', body_shield = 'Корпусный щит', defenses = 'Оборона', evo_shield = 'Evo-щит', helmet = 'Шлем', knockdown_shield = 'Нокаут-щит', }, optics = { name = 'Оптика', onex_hcog_classic = '1x ГБОП «Классика»', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x ГБОП «Боец»', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x голограф.', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x–2x регулир. голограф.', onex_digital_threat = '1x цифр. поиск угроз', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x ГБОП «Рейнджер»', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x–4x регулир. УОП', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x снайпер', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x–8x регулир. снайпер', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x цифр. снайп. поиск угроз', }, shotgun_bolt = 'Затвор для дробовика', stocks = { name = 'Приклад', standard = 'Стандартный приклад', sniper = 'Приклад для снайперской винтовки', }, }, hopup = { name = 'Оружие', anvil_receiver = 'Ствольная коробка «Наковальня»', boosted_loader = 'Ускоритель перезардки', deadeyes_tempo = '«Ритм стрелка»', disruptor_rounds = 'Пробивные боеприпасы', double_tap_trigger = 'Двойной спуск', dual_shell = 'Двойной патрон', graffiti_mod = 'Граффити-мод', hammerpoint_rounds = 'Молотящие боеприпасы', kinetic_feeder = 'Кинетическая зарядка', precision_choke = 'Точный чок', quickdraw_holster = 'Быстрая кобура', selectfire_receiver = 'Переключатель режимов', shatter_caps = 'Разрывные наконечники', skullpiercer_rifling = 'Нарезка «Череполом»', splatter_rounds = 'Красочные снаряды', turbocharger = 'Турбозарядник', }, legends = { name = 'Легенды', bloodhound = 'Бладхаунд', gibraltar = 'Гибралтар', lifeline = 'Лайфлайн', pathfinder = 'Патфайндер', wraith = 'Рэйф', bangalore = 'Бангалор', caustic = 'Каустик', mirage = 'Мираж', octane = 'Октейн', wattson = 'Ваттсон', crypto = 'Крипто', revenant = 'Ревенант', loba = 'Лоба', rampart = 'Рампарт', horizon = 'Хорайзон', fuse = 'Фьюз', valkyrie = 'Валькирия', seer = 'Сиар', }, passive = { name = 'Пассивное умение', tracker = 'Следопыт', gun_shield = 'Оружейный щит', combat_medic = 'Щит спасителя', combat_revive = 'Полевая Реанимация', insider_knowledge = 'Инфильтрация', voices_from_the_void = 'Голоса из Пустоты', double_time = 'Ускоренный марш', nox_vision = '«Нокс» визор', encore = 'На бис!', now_you_see_me = 'Сейчас меня видно...', swift_mend = 'Скорая поправка', spark_of_genius = 'Искра гениальности', neurolink = 'Нейросвязь', stalker = 'Ловец', eye_for_quality = 'Глаз-алмаз', modded_loader = 'Модифицированная зарядка', spacewalk = 'Космическая прогулка', grenadier = 'Гренадер', vtol_jets = 'Двигатели ВВП', heart_seeker = 'Детектор сердцебиения', }, regen = { name = 'Регенерация', health = 'Здоровье', shield = 'Щит', ultimate = 'Спецумение', combo = 'Комбо', syringe = 'Шприц', medkit = 'Аптечка', shield_cell = 'Ячейка щита', shield_battery = 'Аккумулятор щита', phoenix_kit = 'Набор феникса', ultimate_accelerant = 'Спец. ускоритель', }, tactical = { name = 'Игра', eye_of_the_allfather = 'Око Всеотца', dome_of_protection = 'Защитный купол', doc_heal_drone = 'Лечащий дрон Д.О.К.', grappling_hook = 'Крюк-кошка', into_the_void = 'В Пустоту', smoke_launcher = 'Дымовая пушка', nox_gas_trap = 'Ловушка «Нокс»', psyche_out = 'Психоз', stim = 'Стимулятор', perimeter_security = 'Защитный периметр', surveillance_drone = 'Разведывательный дрон', silence = 'Немота', burglars_best_friend = 'Лучший друг взломщика', amped_cover = 'Усиленное укрытие', gravity_lift = 'Гравитационный лифт', knuckle_cluster = 'Кассетный кастет', missile_swarm = 'Ракетный рой', focus_of_attention = 'Концентрация внимания', }, ultimate = { name = 'Спецумение', beast_of_the_hunt = 'Зверский охотник', defensive_bombardment = 'Бомбардировка', care_package = 'Припасы', zipline_gun = 'Тросомет', dimensiona_rift = 'Разлом', rolling_thunder = 'Раскаты грома', nox_gas_grenade = 'Граната «Нокс»', vanishing_act = 'Исчезновение', life_of_the_party = 'Душа компании', launch_pad = 'Батут', interception_pylon = 'Пилон-перехватчик', drone_emp = 'ЭМИ дрона', death_totem = 'Тотем смерти', black_market_boutique = 'Бутик чёрного рынка', emplaced_minigun_sheila = 'Станковый пулемет «Шейла»', black_hole = 'Черная дыра', the_motherlode = 'Джекпот', skyward_dive = 'Небесный прыжок', exhibit = 'Экспозиция', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'Разведчик G7', full = 'Разведчик G7', description = 'Полуавтоматическая легкая марксманаская винтовка.', }, alternator = { short = 'Сменщик', full = 'ПП «Сменщик»', description = 'Двуствольный автоматический пистолет-пулемет.', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'ПП R-99', description = 'Скорострельный автоматический пистолет-пулемет.', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'Карабин R-301', description = 'Полная автоматика и высокая точность стрельбы.', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = 'Полуавтоматический пистолет.', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 Авто', description = 'Полностью автоматический пистолет.', }, flatline = { short = 'Флэтлайн', full = 'VK-47 «Флэтлайн»', description = 'Полностью автоматическое оружие с большой убойной силой.', }, hemlok = { short = 'Хемлок', full = 'ШВ «Хемлок»', description = 'Штурмовая винтовка, очереди по 3 патрона.', }, spitfire = { short = 'Спитфайр', full = 'M600 «Спитфайр»', description = 'Полностью автоматический легкий пулемет.', }, wingman = { short = 'Ведомый', full = 'Ведомый', description = 'Мощный револьвер.', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = 'Магазинная винтовка 30-30', description = 'Полуавтоматическая тяжелая магазинная винтовка. Перейдите в ADS и зарядите бонус к урону.', }, prowler = { short = 'Ищейка', full = 'PDW «Ищейка»', description = 'Пистолет-пулемет, очереди по 5 патронов.', }, rampage = { short = '«Неистовство»', full = 'РП «Неистовство»', description = 'Ручной пулемет с огневыми зарядами. Зарядите зажигательные гранаты, чтобы повысить скорострельность.', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'ЭП L-STAR', description = 'Плазменный тяжелый пулемет.', }, havoc = { short = 'ХАОС', full = 'ХАОС', description = 'Полностью автоматическая энергетическая винтовка.', }, devotion = { short = 'Преданность', full = 'РП «Преданность»', description = 'Полностью автоматический энергетический легкий пулемет.', }, volt = { short = '«Вольт»', full = 'ПП «Вольт»', description = 'Энергетический пистолет-пулемет.', }, tripletake = { short = 'Тройной эффект', full = 'Тройной эффект', description = 'Трехствольная марксманская винтовка. Установите чок, чтобы снизить разброс при прицеливании.', }, mastiff = { short = 'Мастифф', full = 'Дробовик «Мастифф»', description = 'Мощный полуавтоматический дробовик.', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 Авто', description = 'Полностью автоматический дробовик.', }, peacekeeper = { short = 'Миротворец', full = 'Миротворец', description = 'Рычажный дробовик.', }, mozambique = { short = 'Мозамбик', full = 'Дробовик «Мозамбик»', description = 'Трехствольный пистолет-дробовик.', }, longbow = { short = 'Длинный лук', full = 'МВ «Длинный лук»', description = 'Полуавтоматическая снайперская винтовка.', }, charge_rifle = { short = 'Энерговинтовка', full = 'Энерговинтовка', description = 'Лучевая снайперская винтовка.', }, sentinel = { short = '«Страж»', full = '«Страж»', description = 'Снайперская винтовка со скользящим затвором.', }, kraber = { short = 'Крабер', full = 'Крабер .50', description = 'Мощная снайперская винтовка со скользящим затвором.', }, bocek = { short = '«Боцек»', full = 'Композитный лук «Боцек»', description = 'Удерживайте кнопку стрельбы для увеличения мощности.', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'Пистолет-пулемет C.A.R.', description = 'Настраиваемый пистолет-пулемет, который переключается между легкими и тяжелыми боеприпасами. Для него используются легкие или тяжелые магазины.', }, arc_star = { short = 'Дуговая звезда', full = 'Дуговая звезда', description = 'Прилипает и взрывается с задержкой. Наносит урон и создает помехи.', }, frag_grenade = { short = 'Осколочная граната', full = 'Осколочная граната', description = 'Взрывоопасный снаряд. Бросьте, чтобы активировать.', }, thermite_grenade = { short = 'Зажигательная граната', full = 'Зажигательная граната', description = 'Создает горизонтальную стену огня.', }, }, }, ['zh-cn'] = { category = { assault_rifle = { other = '突击步枪' }, sub_machine_gun = { other = '冲锋枪' }, light_machine_gun = { other = '轻型机关枪' }, marksman_weapon = { other = '神枪手武器' }, sniper = { other = '狙击步枪' }, shotgun = { other = '霰弹枪' }, pistol = { other = '手枪' }, thrown = { other = '投掷' }, supply_drop = { other = '空降补给' }, ultimate = { other = '绝招' }, }, ammo = { name = '弹药', light = '轻型弹药', heavy = '重型弹药', energy = '能量弹药', sniper = '狙击弹药', shotgun = '霰弹枪弹药', arrows = '箭头', special_light = '特制轻型弹药', special_heavy = '特制重型弹药', special_energy = '特制能量弹药', special_sniper = '特制狙击弹药', special_shotgun = '特制霰弹枪弹药', special_arrows = '特制箭头', minigun = '转轮机枪弹药', }, attachment = { name = '配件', barrels = { name = '枪管', barrel_stabilizer = '枪管稳定器', laser_sight = '激光瞄准镜', }, extended_mag = { name = '弹匣', light = '加长轻型弹匣', heavy = '加长式重型弹匣', energy = '加长能量弹匣', sniper = '加长狙击弹匣', }, gears = { name = '装备', backpack = '背包', body_shield = '防护罩', defenses = '防御', evo_shield = '进化护罩', helmet = '头盔', knockdown_shield = '击倒护盾', }, optics = { name = '瞄准镜', onex_hcog_classic = '单倍全息衍射式瞄准镜“经典”', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2 倍全息衍射式瞄准镜“格斗家”', onex_reflex_holosight = '单倍幻影', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '单倍至 2 倍可调节式幻影瞄准镜', onex_digital_threat = '单倍数字化威胁', threex_hcog_ranger = '3 倍全息衍射式瞄准镜“游侠”', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2 倍至 4 倍可调节式高级光学瞄准镜', sixx_sniper_scope = '6 倍狙击手', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4 倍至 8 倍可调节式狙击手', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4 倍至 10 倍数字化狙击威胁', }, shotgun_bolt = '霰弹枪枪栓', stocks = { name = '枪托', standard = '标准枪托', sniper = '狙击枪枪托', }, }, hopup = { name = '即用', anvil_receiver = '铁砧接收器', boosted_loader = '加强版装填器', deadeyes_tempo = '神射手速度节拍', disruptor_rounds = '干扰子弹', double_tap_trigger = '双发扳机', dual_shell = '双弹装填器', graffiti_mod = '涂鸦改装', hammerpoint_rounds = '锤击点子弹', kinetic_feeder = '动能供弹器', precision_choke = '精准收束器', quickdraw_holster = '快捷枪套', selectfire_receiver = '选择射击模式接收器', shatter_caps = '粉碎帽', skullpiercer_rifling = '穿颅器', splatter_rounds = '飞溅弹', turbocharger = '涡轮增压器', }, legends = { name = '英雄', bloodhound = '寻血猎犬', gibraltar = '直布罗陀', lifeline = '命脉', pathfinder = '探路者', wraith = '恶灵', bangalore = '班加罗尔', caustic = '侵蚀', mirage = '幻象', octane = '动力小子', wattson = '沃特森', crypto = '密客', revenant = '亡灵', loba = '罗芭', rampart = '兰伯特', horizon = '地平线', fuse = '暴雷', valkyrie = '瓦尔基里', seer = '希尔', }, passive = { name = '被动', tracker = '追踪器', gun_shield = '枪盾', combat_medic = '战斗医疗兵', combat_revive = '战斗复活', insider_knowledge = '内部信息', voices_from_the_void = '虚空之声', double_time = '加快节奏', nox_vision = 'NOX视觉', encore = '再来一次!', now_you_see_me = '我在这儿呢……', swift_mend = '快速修复', spark_of_genius = '知慧火花', neurolink = '神经连接', stalker = '潜行者', eye_for_quality = '鉴宝之眼', modded_loader = '改装式装填弹夹', spacewalk = '太空漫步', grenadier = '掷弹兵', vtol_jets = '垂直起降喷射器', heart_seeker = '觅心者', }, regen = { name = '恢复', health = '生命值', shield = '护盾', ultimate = '绝招', combo = '组合', syringe = '注射器', medkit = '医疗箱', shield_cell = '小型护盾电池', shield_battery = '护盾电池', phoenix_kit = '凤凰治疗包', ultimate_accelerant = '绝招加速剂', }, tactical = { name = '战术', eye_of_the_allfather = '上帝之眼', dome_of_protection = '防护穹盾', doc_heal_drone = 'D.O.C治疗无人机', grappling_hook = '钩爪', into_the_void = '踏入虚空', smoke_launcher = '烟雾发射器', nox_gas_trap = 'NOX毒气陷阱', psyche_out = '疯猫', stim = '兴奋剂', perimeter_security = '边境防护', surveillance_drone = '无人侦察机', silence = '静默', burglars_best_friend = '盗徒好伙伴', amped_cover = '强化掩体', gravity_lift = '重力申梯', knuckle_cluster = '集束炸弹', missile_swarm = '飞弹流星', focus_of_attention = '聚焦之眼', }, ultimate = { name = '绝招', beast_of_the_hunt = '狩猎野兽', defensive_bombardment = '防御性轰炸', care_package = '补给仓', zipline_gun = '滑索枪', dimensiona_rift = '空间裂隙', rolling_thunder = '雷声滚滚', nox_gas_grenade = 'NOX毒气手雷', vanishing_act = '消失', life_of_the_party = '派对生活', launch_pad = '发射台', interception_pylon = '拦截者塔', drone_emp = '无人机 电子脉冲', death_totem = '死亡图腾', black_market_boutique = '精品黑店市', emplaced_minigun_sheila = '固定式转轮机枪“塞拉”', black_hole = '黑洞', the_motherlode = '广域轰炸', skyward_dive = '天际俯冲', exhibit = '一览无余', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 侦查枪', full = 'G7 侦查枪', description = '半自动轻型神射手歩枪。', }, alternator = { short = '转换者冲锋枪', full = '转换者冲锋枪', description = '双管全自动冲锋枪。', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99 冲锋枪', full = 'R-99 冲锋枪', description = '高射速全自动冲锋枪。', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301 卡宾枪', full = 'R-301 卡宾枪', description = '全自动,精准度高。', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020手枪', full = 'P2020手枪', description = '半自动手枪。', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45 自动手枪', full = 'RE-45 自动手枪', description = '全自动手枪。', }, flatline = { short = '平行步枪', full = 'VK-47 平行步枪', description = '全自动,火力强大。', }, hemlok = { short = '赫姆洛克突击步枪', full = '赫姆洛克连发突击步枪', description = '3 连发突击步枪。', }, spitfire = { short = '喷火轻机枪', full = 'M600 喷火轻机枪', description = '全自动轻机枪。', }, wingman = { short = '辅助手枪', full = '辅助手枪', description = '强火力左轮手枪。', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 连发枪', description = '半自动重型连发枪。开镜瞄准可获得充能伤害加成。', }, prowler = { short = '猎兽冲锋枪', full = '猎兽冲锋枪', description = '5 连发冲锋枪。', }, rampage = { short = '暴走', full = '暴走', description = '火焰动力轻机枪。用铝热剂充能以增加射速。', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR 能量机枪', full = 'L-STAR 能量机枪', description = '等离子驱动的重型机枪。', }, havoc = { short = '哈沃克步枪', full = '哈沃克步枪', description = '全自动能量步枪。', }, devotion = { short = '专注轻机枪', full = '专注轻机枪', description = '全自动能量轻机枪。', }, volt = { short = '电能冲锋枪', full = '电能冲锋枪', description = '能量驱动冲锋枪。', }, tripletake = { short = '三重式狙击枪', full = '三重式狙击枪', description = '三管神射手步枪。收束器可缩小开镜时产生的散布范围。', }, mastiff = { short = '敖犬霰弹枪', full = '敖犬霰弹枪', description = '强力的半自动霰弹枪。', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 自动霰弹枪', description = '全自动霰弹枪。', }, peacekeeper = { short = '和平捍卫者霰弹枪', full = '和平捍卫者霰弹枪', description = '杠杆式霰弹枪。', }, mozambique = { short = '莫桑比克', full = '莫桑比克', description = '三管霰弹手枪。', }, longbow = { short = '长弓', full = '长弓精确步枪', description = '半自动狙击步枪。', }, charge_rifle = { short = '充能步枪', full = '充能步枪', description = '能量充满的光束狙击步枪。', }, sentinel = { short = '哨兵狙击步枪', full = '哨兵狙击步枪', description = '栓动式狙击步枪。', }, kraber = { short = '克雷贝尔狙击枪', full = '克雷贝尔 50口径狙击枪', description = '强力的栓动式狙击步枪。', }, bocek = { short = '波塞克', full = '波塞克复合弓', description = '按住开火即可蓄力。', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'C.A.R.冲锋枪', description = '可互换轻型和重型弹药的多用途冲锋枪。使用轻型或重型弹匣。', }, arc_star = { short = '电弧星', full = '电弧星', description = '附着后很快会爆炸。造成伤害并模糊视野。', }, frag_grenade = { short = '碎片手雷', full = '碎片手雷', description = '军用爆炸物。拔掉引信后投掷。', }, thermite_grenade = { short = '铝热剂手雷', full = '铝热剂手雷', description = '可以制造一道火墙。', }, }, }, ['zh-tw'] = { category = { assault_rifle = { other = '突擊步槍' }, sub_machine_gun = { other = '衝鋒槍' }, light_machine_gun = { other = '輕機槍' }, marksman_weapon = { other = '射手武器' }, sniper = { other = '狙擊槍' }, shotgun = { other = '霰彈槍' }, pistol = { other = '手槍' }, thrown = { other = '投擲' }, supply_drop = { other = '空降補給' }, ultimate = { other = '絕招' }, }, ammo = { name = '彈藥', light = '輕型彈藥', heavy = '重型彈藥', energy = '能量彈藥', sniper = '狙擊槍彈藥', shotgun = '霰彈槍彈藥', arrows = '箭矢', special_light = '特殊輕型彈藥', special_heavy = '特殊重型彈藥', special_energy = '特殊能量彈藥', special_sniper = '特殊狙擊槍彈藥', special_shotgun = '特殊霰彈槍彈藥', special_arrows = '特殊箭矢', minigun = 'Minigun Ammo', }, attachment = { name = '附掛', barrels = { name = '槍管', barrel_stabilizer = '槍管穩定器', laser_sight = '雷射瞄準鏡', }, extended_mag = { name = '輔助器', light = '輕型擴充彈匣', heavy = '重型擴充彈匣', energy = '能量擴充彈匣', sniper = '狙擊槍擴充彈匣', }, gears = { name = '裝備', backpack = '背包', body_shield = '護甲', defenses = '防禦', evo_shield = '進化防護罩', helmet = '頭盔', knockdown_shield = '擊倒護盾', }, optics = { name = '視鏡', onex_hcog_classic = '1x 全像進階戰鬥視鏡「經典」', twox_hcog_bruiser = '2x 全像進階戰鬥視鏡「搏鬥者」', onex_reflex_holosight = '1x 投影', onex_twox_variable_reflex_holosight = '1x-2x 可調整投影', onex_digital_threat = '1x 數位威脅', threex_hcog_ranger = '3x 全像進階戰鬥視鏡「遊俠」', twox_fourx_variable_acog = '2x-4x 可調整進階視鏡', sixx_sniper_scope = '6x 狙擊', fourx_eightx_variable_sniper_scope = '4x-8x 可調整狙擊', fourx_tenx_digital_sniper_threat = '4x-10x 數位狙擊威脅', }, shotgun_bolt = '霰彈槍槍栓', stocks = { name = '槍托', standard = '標準槍托', sniper = '狙擊槍托', }, }, hopup = { name = '槍托', anvil_receiver = '鐵砧機匣', boosted_loader = '強化版裝填器', deadeyes_tempo = '死眼節奏', disruptor_rounds = '干擾器彈藥', double_tap_trigger = '雙擊扳機', dual_shell = '雙發裝填器', graffiti_mod = '塗鴉模組', hammerpoint_rounds = '椎點彈藥', kinetic_feeder = '動能供應器', precision_choke = '精準束流器', quickdraw_holster = '快拔槍套', selectfire_receiver = '選射機匣', shatter_caps = '粉碎蓋', skullpiercer_rifling = '穿顱者膛線', splatter_rounds = '噴濺彈藥', turbocharger = '渦輪增壓器', }, legends = { name = '英雄', bloodhound = '尋血犬', gibraltar = '直布羅陀', lifeline = '生命線', pathfinder = '探路者', wraith = '惡靈', bangalore = '邦加羅爾', caustic = '腐蝕', mirage = '幻象', octane = '辛烷', wattson = '華森', crypto = '暗碼士', revenant = '亡靈', loba = '蘿芭', rampart = '蕾帕特', horizon = '天際線', fuse = '轟哥', valkyrie = '瓦爾基里', seer = '席爾', }, passive = { name = '被動', tracker = '追蹤器', gun_shield = '槍盾', combat_medic = '戰鬥醫療兵', combat_revive = '戰鬥復活', insider_knowledge = '內線情報', voices_from_the_void = '魔音傳腦', double_time = '疾步', nox_vision = '夜神視線', encore = '安可!', now_you_see_me = '無影無蹤……', swift_mend = '快速修復', spark_of_genius = '天才火花', neurolink = '神經連結', stalker = '潛行者', eye_for_quality = '識貨', modded_loader = '改裝填裝器', spacewalk = '太空漫步', grenadier = '擲彈兵', vtol_jets = '垂直起降噴射器', heart_seeker = '尋心者', }, regen = { name = '恢復', health = '醫療用品', shield = '防護罩', ultimate = '絕招', combo = '複合', syringe = '注射器', medkit = '醫療箱', shield_cell = '小型防護罩電池', shield_battery = '大型防護罩電池', phoenix_kit = '鳳凰治療包', ultimate_accelerant = '絕招促進劑', }, tactical = { name = '戰術', eye_of_the_allfather = '眾神之父之眼', -- Website: '上帝之眼' dome_of_protection = '保護圓頂', doc_heal_drone = 'D.O.C 治療機器人', grappling_hook = '鉤爪', into_the_void = '踏入虛空', smoke_launcher = '煙霧發射器', nox_gas_trap = '夜神毒氣陷阱', psyche_out = '瘋貓', stim = '興奮藥劑', perimeter_security = '邊界安全', surveillance_drone = '監視無人機', silence = '沈默', burglars_best_friend = '盜賊之友', amped_cover = '強化掩護', gravity_lift = '引力貨梯', knuckle_cluster = '集束拳', missile_swarm = '飛彈天降', focus_of_attention = '注意焦點', }, ultimate = { name = '絕招', beast_of_the_hunt = '狩獵野獸', defensive_bombardment = '防禦性轟炸', care_package = '照護艙', zipline_gun = '滑索槍', dimensiona_rift = '維度裂縫', rolling_thunder = '雷聲滾滾', nox_gas_grenade = '夜神毒氣手榴彈', vanishing_act = '消失表演', life_of_the_party = '派對焦點', launch_pad = '發射平台', interception_pylon = '攔截塔', drone_emp = '無人機電磁脈衝', -- Website: '無人機 EMP' death_totem = '死亡圖騰', black_market_boutique = '精品黑市', emplaced_minigun_sheila = '定點迷你砲「席拉」', black_hole = '黑洞', the_motherlode = '龐然巨彈', skyward_dive = '天際俯衝', exhibit = '盛大展演', }, weapons = { g7_scout = { short = 'G7 斥侯', full = 'G7 斥侯', description = '半自動輕型射手步槍。', }, alternator = { short = '轉換者衝鋒槍', full = '轉換者衝鋒槍', description = '雙管全自動衝鋒槍。', }, r99 = { short = 'R-99', full = 'R-99 衝鋒槍', description = '高射速自動衝鋒槍。', }, r301 = { short = 'R-301', full = 'R-301 卡賓槍', description = '全自動且具備高準確度。', }, p2020 = { short = 'P2020', full = 'P2020', description = '半自動手槍。', }, re45 = { short = 'RE-45', full = 'RE-45 自動', description = '全自動手槍。', }, flatline = { short = '平行步槍', full = 'VK-47 平行步槍', description = '火力強大且為全自動。', }, hemlok = { short = '汗洛', full = '汗洛連發突擊步槍', description = '3 連發突擊步槍。', }, spitfire = { short = '噴火槍', full = 'M600 噴火槍', description = '全自動輕機槍。', }, wingman = { short = '小幫手', full = '小幫手', description = '強力左輪手槍。', }, repeater = { short = '30-30', full = '30-30 連發槍', description = '半自動重型連發槍。瞄準來獲得充能傷害加成。', }, prowler = { short = '獵獸', full = '獵獸連發個人防衛武器', description = '5 連發衝鋒槍。', }, rampage = { short = '狂暴', full = '狂暴輕機槍', description = '火力輕機槍。用鋁熱劑充能來增加射速。', }, lstar = { short = 'L-STAR', full = 'L-STAR 電磁機槍', description = '使用電漿的重機槍。', }, havoc = { short = '哈博克', full = '哈博克步槍', description = '全自動充能步槍。', }, devotion = { short = '專注輕機槍', full = '專注輕機槍', description = '全自動能量輕機槍。', }, volt = { short = '電能', full = '電能衝鋒槍', description = '能源驅動衝鋒槍。', }, tripletake = { short = '三重擊', full = '三重擊', description = '三槍管射手步槍。束流器可降低瞄準時的分散率。', }, mastiff = { short = '獒犬霰彈槍', full = '獒犬霰彈槍', description = '強大的半自動霰彈槍。', }, eva8_auto = { short = 'EVA-8', full = 'EVA-8 自動', description = '全自動霰彈槍。', }, peacekeeper = { short = '和平使者', full = '和平使者', description = '桿動式霰彈槍。', }, mozambique = { short = '莫三比克', full = '莫三比克霰彈槍', description = '三槍管霰彈手槍。', }, longbow = { short = '長弓', full = '長弓 DMR', description = '半自動狙擊步槍。', }, charge_rifle = { short = '電能步槍', full = '電能步槍', description = '電能光束狙擊槍', }, sentinel = { short = '哨兵', full = '哨兵', description = '栓動式狙擊步槍。', }, kraber = { short = '克萊博', full = '克萊博 50 口徑狙擊槍', description = '強大的栓動狙擊槍。', }, bocek = { short = '博切克', full = '博切克複合弓', description = '按住射撃來提聲火力。', }, car_smg = { short = 'CAR', full = 'C.A.R. 衝鋒槍', description = '能切換使用輕型和重型彈藥的多用途衝鋒槍。使用輕型或重型彈匣。', }, arc_star = { short = '電弧星', full = '電弧星', description = '會沾黏並在短暫延遲後爆炸。造成傷害並混淆視線。', }, frag_grenade = { short = '破片手榴彈', full = '破片手榴彈', description = '重火力炸藥。投擲來引燃導火線。', }, thermite_grenade = { short = '鋁熱劑手榴彈', full = '鋁熱劑手榴彈', description = '創造一片火焰障壁。', }, }, }, } return configuration