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モジュール:Utility/mw.html Extensions
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Utility/mw.html Extensions/doc に作成できます
local p = {} local mwHtml = getmetatable(mw.html.create()).__index -- Trick to get acces to the mw.html class local function wikitext(builder, text) if text == nil then return builder end local typename = type(text) if typename == 'table' then for _, value in ipairs(text) do if value == nil then break end builder = builder:wikitext(text) end return builder elseif typename == 'function' then return wikitext(builder, text()) else return builder:wikitext(text) end end function mwHtml:wikitextIf(cond, thentext, elsetext) if cond then return wikitext(self, thentext) else return wikitext(self, elsetext) end end local function addClass(builder, class) if class ~= nil then return builder:addClass(class) else return builder end end function mwHtml:addClassIf(cond, thenclass, elseclass) if cond then return addClass(self, thenclass) else return addClass(self, elseclass) end end local function attr(builder, attr) if attr == nil then return builder end local typename = type(attr) if typename == 'table' then return builder:attr(attr) elseif typename == 'function' then return attr(builder, attr()) else return builder end end function mwHtml:attrIf(cond, thenattr, elseattr) if cond then return attr(self, thenattr) else return attr(self, elseattr) end end local function css(builder, css) if css == nil then return builder end local typename = type(css) if typename == 'table' then return builder:css(css) elseif typename == 'function' then return css(builder, css()) else return builder end end function mwHtml:cssIf(cond, thencss, elsecss) if cond then return css(self, thencss) else return css(self, elsecss) end end return p