🌟 | 現在、![]() 鉄壁HSは通常HSと同じダメージになります。LMG及びDMR、チャージライフル、ハンマーポイント弾を除き、すべてのダメージ値が一致していることを確認しています。 |
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Apex/STKCalculator/doc に作成できます
local STKCalculator = {} local aw = require('Module:Utility/Library') local apex = require('Module:Utility/ApexLibrary') local STKCalculator = {} function STKCalculator:reset() self.damages = {} self.damageStack = 0 self.currentPellets = self.pellets self.patternIndex = 1 end function STKCalculator:_getPartMultiplier(forcePart) local part if self.patternIndex <= #self.pattern.first then part = self.pattern.first[self.patternIndex] else part = self.pattern.loop[self.patternIndex - #self.pattern.first] end if forcePart and part ~= apex.SKY then part = forcePart end local mul if part == apex.BODY then mul = self.bodyshot elseif part == apex.LEGS then mul = self.legsshot elseif part == apex.SKY then mul = self.skyshot else mul = apex.calcHeadshotMultiplier(self.headshot, part) end return mul end function STKCalculator:_nextPart() if self.patternIndex == #self.pattern.first + #self.pattern.loop then self.patternIndex = 1 + #self.pattern.first else self.patternIndex = self.patternIndex + 1 end end function STKCalculator:_saveState(damage) self.damageStack = self.damageStack + damage self.currentPellets = self.currentPellets - 1 if self.currentPellets <= 0 then self.currentPellets = self.pellets table.insert(self.damages, self.damageStack) self.damageStack = 0 self:_nextPart() end end local function calcDamage(base, passthrough, partmul, passive, opts, finalfunc) -- 貫通減衰倍率 if passthrough < 1 then base = apex.calcPassthroughDamage(base, passthrough) end -- 部位倍率、小柄・鉄壁 base = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(base, partmul, passive, opts) -- 最終関数 if finalfunc then base = finalfunc(base) end return base end function STKCalculator:_calcShotToKill(base, passive, points, cond, isLast, forcePart, finalfunc) local partmul = self:_getPartMultiplier(forcePart) local damage = calcDamage(base, self.passthrough, partmul, passive, self.opts, finalfunc) local hasBeam = self.beamdamage > 0 and self.beamticks > 0 local beamdamage if hasBeam then beamdamage = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(self.beamdamage, partmul, passive, self.opts) else beamdamage = 0 end repeat if hasBeam then for t = 1, self.beamticks do if not cond(points, damage) then break end points = points - beamdamage self.damageStack = self.damageStack + beamdamage end end if not cond(points, damage) then break end points = points - damage self:_saveState(damage) partmul = self:_getPartMultiplier(forcePart) damage = calcDamage(base, self.passthrough, partmul, passive, self.opts, finalfunc) if hasBeam then beamdamage = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(self.beamdamage, partmul, passive, self.opts) end until not cond(points, damage) if isLast then if self.damageStack > 0 then self.currentPellets = self.pellets table.insert(self.damages, self.damageStack) self.damageStack = 0 self:_nextPart() end end return points end -- ポイントが0かどうか確認する関数 local function isEqualToZero(points, _) return points > 0 end -- ポイントがダメージ以上かどうか確認する関数 local function isGreaterThanOrEqualToDamage(points, damage) return points >= damage end function STKCalculator:calcShotToKill(health, shield, gunshield, passive) legend = legend or 1 -- ガンシールド if gunshield > 0 then local cond if self.gunshieldBleedthrough then cond = isGreaterThanOrEqualToDamage else cond = isEqualToZero end self.patternIndex = 1 + #self.pattern.first -- 強制的に loop パターンの呼び出し gunshield = self:_calcShotToKill(self.damage, 1, gunshield, cond, not self.gunshieldBleedthrough, apex.BODY) -- ガンシールドとシールド/体力の混合 while gunshield > 0 do local mul = self:_getPartMultiplier(apex.BODY) if mul > 0 then local leftDamage = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(self.damage - gunshield, mul, passive, self.opts) if shield >= leftDamage then shield = shield - leftDamage elseif shield > 0 then health = health - (leftDamage - shield) shield = 0 else health = health - leftDamage end self:_saveState(gunshield + leftDamage) gunshield = 0 else self:_saveState(0) end end self.patternIndex = 1 -- 強制的に first パターンに戻す end -- ディスラプター弾 if self.disruptorRounds > 1 then -- シールド local finalfunc = function(damage) return apex.calcDisruptorDamage(damage, self.disruptorRounds) end shield = self:_calcShotToKill(self.damage, passive, shield, isGreaterThanOrEqualToDamage, false, nil, finalfunc) -- シールドと体力の混合 while shield > 0 do local mul = self:_getPartMultiplier(apex.BODY) if mul > 0 then local partDamage = apex.calcPartDamage(self.damage, mul) local minDamage = apex.calcPassiveDamage(partDamage, passive, self.opts) local maxDamage = apex.calcPassiveDamage(apex.calcDisruptorDamage(partDamage, self.disruptorRounds), passive, self.opts) local mergedDamage = aw.clamp(maxDamage, minDamage, math.max(minDamage, shield)) health = health - (mergedDamage - shield) shield = 0 self:_saveState(mergedDamage) else self:_saveState(0) end end -- 体力 health = self:_calcShotToKill(self.damage, passive, health, isEqualToZero, true) -- ハンマーポイント弾 elseif self.hammerpointRounds > 1 then -- シールド shield = self:_calcShotToKill(self.damage, passive, shield, isGreaterThanOrEqualToDamage) -- シールドと体力の混合 while shield > 0 do local mul = self:_getPartMultiplier(apex.BODY) if mul > 0 then local baseMergedDamage if shield < self.damage then baseMergedDamage = shield + apex.calcHammerpointDamage(self.damage - shield, self.hammerpointRounds) else baseMergedDamage = self.damage end local mergedDamage = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(baseMergedDamage, mul, passive, self.opts) health = health - (mergedDamage - shield) shield = 0 self:_saveState(mergedDamage) else self:_saveState(0) end end -- 体力 local hammerpointDamage = apex.calcHammerpointDamage(self.damage, self.hammerpointRounds) health = self:_calcShotToKill(hammerpointDamage, passive, health, isEqualToZero, true) -- ボディーシールド else self:_calcShotToKill(self.damage, passive, health + shield, isEqualToZero, true) end end function STKCalculator:getTable() return self.damages end function STKCalculator:get() return #self.damages end function STKCalculator:setPattern(pattern) if pattern then pattern.first = pattern.first or {} pattern.loop = pattern.loop or { apex.BODY } self.pattern = pattern else self.pattern = { first = {}, loop = { apex.BODY }} end end function STKCalculator.new(damage, opts) opts = opts or {} if opts.pattern then opts.pattern.first = opts.pattern.first or {} opts.pattern.loop = opts.pattern.loop or { apex.BODY } else opts.pattern = { first = {}, loop = { apex.BODY }} end -- 増幅バリケードが有効 if opts.ampedCover then damage = aw.round(1.2 * damage) end -- チャージ倍率が有効 if opts.charged then damage = aw.round(opts.charged * damage) end local obj = setmetatable({ damage = damage, bodyshot = opts.bodyshot or 1, headshot = opts.headshot or 2, legsshot = opts.legsshot or 0.75, skyshot = opts.skyshot or 0, passthrough = opts.passthrough or 1, pattern = opts.pattern, pellets = opts.pellets or 1, beamdamage = opts.beamdamage or 0, beamticks = opts.beamticks or 0, disruptorRounds = opts.disruptorRounds or 0, hammerpointRounds = opts.hammerpointRounds or 0, gunshieldBleedthrough = opts.gunshieldBleedthrough ~= false, opts = { ampedCover = opts.ampedCover or false, round = opts.round or false, ignorePassiveForHeadshot = opts.ignorePassiveForHeadshot ~= false, }, }, { __index = STKCalculator }) obj:reset() return obj end function STKCalculator.newFromStat(stat, opts) local stat2, damagestat, pellets if stat.anvil_receiver and opts.useAnvilReceiver then stat2 = stat.anvil_receiver damagestat = stat.anvil_receiver.damage or stat.damage pellets = opts.pellets or stat.anvil_receiver.pellet or stat.pellet elseif stat.shatter_caps and opts.useShatterCaps then stat2 = stat.shatter_caps damagestat = stat.shatter_caps.damage or stat.damage pellets = opts.pellets or stat.shatter_caps.pellet or stat.pellet else stat2 = stat damagestat = stat.damage pellets = opts.pellets or stat.pellet end local damage if opts.useAmpedMode then damage = damagestat.amped or damagestat.base elseif opts.useCharged then damage = damagestat.charged or damagestat.base else damage = damagestat.base end local beamdamage, beamticks if damagestat.beam then beamdamage = damagestat.beam.base if opts.ticks then beamticks = math.min(opts.ticks, damagestat.beam.ticks) else beamticks = damagestat.beam.ticks end else beamdamage = 0 beamticks = 0 end return STKCalculator.new(damage, { bodyshot = opts.bodyshot, headshot = stat2.damage_head_scale or stat.damage_head_scale, legsshot = stat2.damage_legs_scale or stat.damage_legs_scale, skyshot = opts.skyshot, passthrough = opts.passthrough, pattern = opts.pattern, pellets = pellets, beamdamage = beamdamage, beamticks = beamticks, disruptorRounds = opts.useDisruptorRounds and stat.disruptor_rounds and stat.disruptor_rounds.damage_shield_scale or 0, hammerpointRounds = opts.useHammerpointRounds and stat.hammerpoint_rounds and stat.hammerpoint_rounds.damage_unshielded_scale or 0, }) end function apex.calcShotCount(base, part, passive, health, shield, gunshield, opts) opts = opts or {} opts.ampedCover = opts.ampedCover or false opts.bodyshot = part or opts.bodyshot or 1 opts.disruptorRounds = opts.disruptorRounds or 0 opts.hammerpointRounds = opts.hammerpointRounds or 0 opts.gunshieldBleedthrough = opts.gunshieldBleedthrough ~= false opts.ignorePassiveForHeadshot = opts.ignorePassiveForHeadshot ~= false opts.passthrough = opts.passthrough or 1 opts.pellets = opts.pellets or 1 opts.round = opts.round or false local stkc = STKCalculator.new(base, opts) stkc:calcShotToKill(health, shield, gunshield, passive) return stkc:getTable() end STKCalculator.calcShotCount = apex.calcShotCount return STKCalculator