🌟現在、鉄壁 鉄壁ヘッドショットには対応済みです。


提供:Apex Data
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
82行目: 82行目:
duration = {
duration = {
name = 'Duration',
name = 'Duration (sec)',
reload = {
reload = {
name = 'Reload ',
name = 'Reload ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' sec',
unit = ' sec',
reloadempty = {
reloadempty = {
name = 'Reload (Empty) ',
name = 'Reload (Empty) ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' sec',
unit = ' sec',
zoomin = {
zoomin = {
name = 'Zoom In ',
name = 'Zoom In ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' sec',
unit = ' sec',
zoomout = {
zoomout = {
name = 'Zoom Out ',
name = 'Zoom Out ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' sec',
unit = ' sec',
223行目: 223行目:
duration = {
duration = {
name = '時間',
name = '時間 (秒)',
reload = {
reload = {
name = 'リロード ',
name = 'リロード ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' 秒',
unit = ' 秒',
reloadempty = {
reloadempty = {
name = 'リロード (空) ',
name = 'リロード (空) ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' 秒',
unit = ' 秒',
zoomin = {
zoomin = {
name = 'ズームイン ',
name = 'ズームイン ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' 秒',
unit = ' 秒',
zoomout = {
zoomout = {
name = 'ズームアウト ',
name = 'ズームアウト ',
format = '%.2f',
format = '%.3f',
unit = ' 秒',
unit = ' 秒',

2021年8月6日 (金) 11:00時点における版

このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:WeaponInfobox/configuration/doc に作成できます

local configuration = {
	en = {
		release = {
			name = 'Release',
		category = {
			name = 'Type',
		ammo = {
			name = 'Ammo',
		cost = {
			name = 'Cost (Arena)',
			header = '[[File:Materials.png|x24px|link=|alt=Crafting Metals]] ',
		mode = {
			name = 'Fire mode',
			auto = 'Auto',
			auto_category = '[[Category:Weapons with Auto fire mode]]',
			burst = '%d-round Burst',
			burst_category = '[[Category:Weapons with Burst fire mode]]',
			separator = ', ',
			single = 'Single',
			single_category = '[[Category:Weapons with Single fire mode]]',
		damage = {
			name = '[[Damage]]',
			head = 'Head ',
			head_category = '[[Category:Weapons that headshot damage multiplier is %sx]]',
			legs = 'Legs ',
			shotgun = '%d × %d pellets',
			shotgun_unit = ' pellets',
			unit = 'x',
		firerate = {
			name = '[[Firerate]]',
			auto = 'Auto ',
			auto_single = 'Auto/Single ',
			burst = 'Burst ',
			burst_average = 'Average ',
			rps = {
				name = '',
				format = '%.2f',
				separator = ' - ',
				unit = ' rps ',
			rpm = {
				name = '(',
				format = '%.0f',
				separator = ' - ',
				unit = ' rpm)',
			single = 'Single ',
		projectilespeed = {
			name = '[[Projectile speed]]',
			format = '%s',
			hitscan = '∞ (Hitscan)',
			unit = ' m/s',
		magazine = {
			name = 'Magazine',
			infinity = '∞',
			units = ' rounds',
			times = {
				format = {
					'<span class="text-type-number">%d</span>&thinsp;times'
			seconds = {
				name = '(',
				format = '%.2f',
				unit = '&thinsp;sec)',
		draw = {
			name = 'Draw time',
			format = '%.2f',
			unit = '&thinsp;sec',
		duration = {
			name = 'Duration (sec)',
			reload = {
				name = 'Reload&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;sec',
			reloadempty = {
				name = 'Reload (Empty)&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;sec',
			zoomin = {
				name = 'Zoom In&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;sec',
			zoomout = {
				name = 'Zoom Out&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;sec',
		dps = {
			name = 'DPS',
			complex = '<small><span class="text-type-number">%s</span>&thinsp;&ndash;&thinsp;</small><wbr><span class="text-type-number">%s</span>',
			perk = {
				normal = 'Normal',
				lowprofile = 'Low Profile',
				fortified = 'Fortified',
			part = {
				head = 'Head',
				body = 'Body',
				bodylegs = 'Body & Legs',
				legs = 'Legs',
			hopup = {
				deadeyes_tempo = '%s (Max)&nbsp;',	
		spread = {
			name = 'Spread',
			state = {
				name = 'State',
				hip = 'Hip',
				hip_class = 'vertical-english-cell',
				ads = 'ADS',
				ads_class = 'vertical-english-cell',
				stand = 'Stand',
				stand_class = 'vertical-english-cell',
				standcrouch = 'Stand &<br>Crouch',
				crouch = 'Crouch',
				air = 'Air',
				still = 'Still',
				run = 'Run',
				sprint = 'Sprint',
			first_shot = '1st',
			increment = 'Incr',
			maximum = 'Max',
			na = 'N/A',
	ja = {
		release = {
			name = 'リリース日',
		category = {
			name = '種類',
		ammo = {
			name = '弾薬',
		cost = {
			name = '材料<small> (Arena)</small>',
			header = '[[File:Materials.png|x24px|link=|alt=材料]] ',
		mode = {
			name = '射撃モード',
			auto = 'オート',
			auto_category = '[[Category:オート射撃モードが使用できる武器]]',
			burst = '%d点バースト',
			burst_category = '[[Category:バースト射撃モードが使用できる武器]]',
			separator = '・',
			single = '単発',
			single_category = '[[Category:単発射撃モードが使用できる武器]]',
		damage = {
			name = '[[ダメージ]]',
			head = '頭&nbsp;',
			head_category = '[[Category:ヘッドショット倍率が%s倍の武器]]',
			legs = '脚&nbsp;',
			shotgun = '%d&thinsp;&times;&thinsp;%d&thinsp;片',
			shotgun_unit = '&thinsp;片',
			unit = '&thinsp;倍',
		firerate = {
			name = '[[発射レート]]',
			auto = 'オート&nbsp;',
			auto_single = 'オート・単発&nbsp;',
			burst = 'バースト&nbsp;',
			burst_average = '平均&nbsp;',
			rps = {
				name = '',
				format = '%.2f',
				separator = '&thinsp;-&thinsp;',
				unit = '&thinsp;rps&nbsp;',
			rpm = {
				name = '(',
				format = '%.0f',
				separator = '&thinsp;-&thinsp;',
				unit = '&thinsp;rpm)',
			single = '単発&nbsp;',
		projectilespeed = {
			name = '[[弾速]]',
			format = '%s',
			hitscan = '&infin; (ヒットスキャン)',
			unit = '&thinsp;m/s',
		magazine = {
			name = '装弾数',
			infinity = '&infin;',
			unit = '&thinsp;発',
			times = {
				format = '<span class="text-type-number">%d</span>&thinsp;回',
			seconds = {
				name = '(',
				format = '%.2f',
				unit = '&thinsp;秒)',
		draw = {
			name = '据銃時間',
			format = '%.2f',
			unit = '&thinsp;秒',
		duration = {
			name = '時間 (秒)',
			reload = {
				name = 'リロード&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;秒',
			reloadempty = {
				name = 'リロード (空)&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;秒',
			zoomin = {
				name = 'ズームイン&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;秒',
			zoomout = {
				name = 'ズームアウト&nbsp;',
				format = '%.3f',
				unit = '&thinsp;秒',
		dps = {
			name = 'DPS',
			complex = '<small><span class="text-type-number">%s</span>~</small><wbr><span class="text-type-number">%s</span>',
			perk = {
				normal = '通常',
				lowprofile = '小柄',
				fortified = '鉄壁',
			part = {
				head = '頭',
				body = '胴',
				bodylegs = '胴・脚',
				legs = '脚',
			hopup = {
				deadeyes_tempo = '%s (最大)&nbsp;',	
		spread = {
			name = '拡散',
			state = {
				name = '状態',
				hip = '腰だめ',
				hip_class = 'vertical-cell',
				ads = 'ADS',
				ads_class = 'vertical-english-cell',
				stand = '立ち',
				stand_class = 'vertical-cell',
				standcrouch = '立ち・しゃがみ',
				crouch = 'しゃがみ',
				air = '空中',
				still = '静止',
				run = '走り',
				sprint = 'スプリント',
			first_shot = '初弾',
			increment = '増加量',
			maximum = '最大',
			na = '–',

return configuration