🌟 | 現在、 鉄壁ヘッドショットには対応済みです。 鉄壁HSは通常HSと同じダメージになります。LMG及びDMR、チャージライフル、ハンマーポイント弾を除き、すべてのダメージ値が一致していることを確認しています。 |
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:StatTable/Firerate/doc に作成できます
local aw = require('Module:Utility/Library') local apex = require('Module:Utility/ApexLibrary') local iu = require('Module:Utility/Image') local tableutil = require('Module:Utility/TableUtil/Apex') local Hopup = mw.loadData('Module:Stat/Hopup') local getArgs -- lazily initialized local configuration = { __debug__enableAllHopup = false, en = { auto = 'Auto', burst = 'Burst', burstAverage = 'Burst Average', firerate = 'Firerate [rps]', graph = 'Graph', hopup = 'Hop-Up', maxcharge = 'Max charge', maxfire = 'Max fire', mincharge = 'Min charge', minfire = 'Min fire', single = 'Single', weaponname = 'Weapon name', }, ja = { auto = 'オート', burst = 'バースト', burstAverage = 'バースト平均', firerate = '射撃レート [rps]', graph = 'グラフ', hopup = 'ホップアップ', maxcharge = '最大溜め', maxfire = '最大時', mincharge = '最小溜め', minfire = '最小時', single = '単発', weaponname = '武器名', }, } local function addData(dataset, data, firerates, res, variableRate) local fireratesType = type(firerates) if fireratesType == 'table' then -- 可変レートの場合 if #firerates == 2 then local minChargeData = aw.shallowCopy(data) minChargeData.firerate = firerates[1] if variableRate then minChargeData.option = res.minfire else minChargeData.option = res.mincharge end table.insert(dataset, minChargeData) local maxChargeData = aw.shallowCopy(data) maxChargeData.firerate = firerates[2] if variableRate then maxChargeData.option = res.maxfire else maxChargeData.option = res.maxcharge end table.insert(dataset, maxChargeData) -- ショットガンボルトがつく場合 else for level, firerate in ipairs(firerates) do local boltData = aw.shallowCopy(data) boltData.firerate = firerate boltData.level = level - 1 table.insert(dataset, boltData) end end -- ショットガンボルトがつかない場合 else data.firerate = firerates table.insert(dataset, data) end end local p = {} function p._main(args) args = args or {} local lang = args.lang or 'ja' local res = configuration[lang] local stats = mw.loadData('Module:Stat/Weapon') local dataset = {} for name, stat in pairs(stats) do local baseData = { ammo = stat.ammo, ammoicon = stat.ammo, level = -1, name = name, shortname = stat.localization['Japanese_Short'], } local firerate = apex.getFirerate(stat, {}) local special = aw.stringstarts(stat.ammo, 'special_') -- Altfire mode if stat.altfire and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.altfire.firerate) then local basicData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) basicData.option = res.burstAverage addData(dataset, basicData, firerate, res) if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.burst_count, 2) then local maxData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) maxData.option = res.burst addData(dataset, maxData, stat.firerate, res) end local altfireData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) altfireData.option = (stat.altfire.is_semi_auto == true or stat.is_semi_auto) and res.single or res.auto addData(dataset, altfireData, stat.altfire.firerate, res) -- Burst mode elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.burst_count, 2) then local basicData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) basicData.option = res.burstAverage addData(dataset, basicData, firerate, res) local maxData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) maxData.option = res.burst addData(dataset, maxData, stat.firerate, res) -- Other else addData(dataset, baseData, firerate, res, name == 'ディヴォーションLMG') end -- Revved Up mode if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.firerate_revvedup, stat.firerate) then local revvedUpData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) revvedUpData.ammoicon = baseData.ammo .. '_revved_up' revvedUpData.option = iu.grenade('テルミットグレネード') .. ' <span class="text-desktoponly">連射速度上昇モード</span>' addData(dataset, revvedUpData, stat.firerate_revvedup, res) end -- Selectfire Receiver if (configuration.__debug__enableAllHopup or Hopup.selectfire_receiver.enabled) and stat.selectfire_receiver and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.selectfire_receiver.firerate) then local selectfireReceiverData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) selectfireReceiverData.hopup = { 'selectfire_receiver' } addData(dataset, selectfireReceiverData, stat.selectfire_receiver.firerate, res) end -- Anvil Receiver if (configuration.__debug__enableAllHopup or Hopup.anvil_receiver.enabled) and stat.anvil_receiver and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.anvil_receiver.firerate) then local anvilReceiverData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) anvilReceiverData.hopup = { 'anvil_receiver' } addData(dataset, anvilReceiverData, stat.anvil_receiver.firerate, res) end -- Double Tap Trigger if (configuration.__debug__enableAllHopup or Hopup.double_tap_trigger.enabled) and stat.double_tap_trigger and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.double_tap_trigger.firerate) then local doubleTapTriggerFirerate = apex.getFirerate(stat, { useDoubleTapTrigger = true }) local doubleTapTriggerData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) doubleTapTriggerData.hopup = { 'double_tap_trigger' } doubleTapTriggerData.option = res.burstAverage addData(dataset, doubleTapTriggerData, doubleTapTriggerFirerate, res) if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.double_tap_trigger.burst_count, 2) then local maxDoubleTapTriggerData = aw.shallowCopy(doubleTapTriggerData) maxDoubleTapTriggerData.option = res.burst addData(dataset, maxDoubleTapTriggerData, stat.double_tap_trigger.firerate, res) end end -- Deadeye's Tempo if (configuration.__debug__enableAllHopup or Hopup.deadeyes_tempo.enabled) and stat.deadeyes_tempo then local deadeyesTempoFirerate = apex.getFirerate(stat, { useDeadeyesTempo = true }) local deadeyesTempoData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) deadeyesTempoData.hopup = { 'deadeyes_tempo' } if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.deadeyes_tempo.rechamber) then deadeyesTempoData.option = res.maxfire end addData(dataset, deadeyesTempoData, deadeyesTempoFirerate, res) end end local metadata = { tableutil.RankCell.new('', 'firerate', true), tableutil.AmmoCell.new('', 'ammoicon', { attributes = { align = 'center' }, headerStyle = { width = '36px' }, }), tableutil.WeaponNameCell.new(res.weaponname, 'name', { ammoIndex = 'ammo', attributes = { align = 'left' }, cellClass = 'st-dashed-right st-mobile-none-right st-mobile-padding0-right', headerColspan = 3, optionIndex = 'option', shortnameIndex = 'shortname', }), tableutil.MagazineCell.new(res.mag, 'level', { ammoIndex = 'ammo', attributes = { align = 'left' }, cellClass = 'st-dashed-both st-mobile-none-both st-mobile-padding0-both', headerColspan = 0, }), tableutil.HopupCell.new(res.hopup, 'hopup', { attributes = { align = 'left' }, cellClass = 'st-dashed-left st-mobile-none-left st-mobile-padding0-left', headerColspan = 0, }), tableutil.LineValueCell.new(res.firerate, 'firerate', { cellClass = 'st-mobile-graph st-mobile-textshadow', footerClass = 'st-mobile-axis', format = function(val) return string.format('%.2f', val) end, headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '80px', ['max-width'] = '8em', }, preferredGridCount = 3, }), tableutil.LineCell.new(res.graph, 'firerate', { cellClass = 'st-desktop st-desktop-graph', footerClass = 'st-desktop', headerClass = 'st-desktop', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '160px', }, maximumValue = 25, }), } local node = tableutil.createTable(dataset, metadata) return tostring(node) end function p.main(frame) if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end args = getArgs(frame) return p._main(args) end return p