🌟 | 現在、 鉄壁ヘッドショットには対応済みです。 鉄壁HSは通常HSと同じダメージになります。LMG及びDMR、チャージライフル、ハンマーポイント弾を除き、すべてのダメージ値が一致していることを確認しています。 |
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:WeaponInfobox/configuration/doc に作成できます
local configuration = { en = { release = { name = 'Release', }, category = { name = 'Type', }, ammo = { name = 'Ammo', }, mode = { name = 'Fire mode', auto = 'Auto', auto_category = '[[Category:Weapons with Auto fire mode]]', burst = '%d-round Burst', burst_category = '[[Category:Weapons with Burst fire mode]]', separator = ', ', single = 'Single', single_category = '[[Category:Weapons with Single fire mode]]', }, damage = { name = '[[Damage]]', head = 'Head', head_category = '[[Category:Weapons that headshot damage multiplier is %sx]]', legs = 'Legs', shotgun = '%d × %d pellets', unit = 'x', }, firerate = { name = '[[Firerate]]', auto = 'Auto ', burst = 'Burst ', burst_average = 'Average ', rps = { name = '', format = '%.2f', separator = ' - ', unit = ' rps ', }, rpm = { name = '(', format = '%.0f', separator = ' - ', unit = ' rpm)', }, single = 'Single ', }, projectilespeed = { name = 'Projectile speed', format = '%s', hitscan = '∞ (Hitscan)', unit = ' m/s', }, magazine = { name = 'Magazine', infinity = '∞', units = ' rounds', times = { format = { 'once', 'twice', '<span class="text-type-number">%d</span> times' }, }, }, draw = { name = 'Draw time', format = '%.2f', unit = ' sec', }, reload = { name = 'Reload', full = { name = 'Full', format = '%.2f', unit = ' sec', }, tactical = { name = 'Tactical', format = '%.2f', unit = ' sec', }, }, }, ja = { release = { name = 'リリース日', }, category = { name = '種類', }, ammo = { name = '弾薬', }, mode = { name = '射撃モード', auto = 'オート', auto_category = '[[Category:オート射撃モードが使用できる武器]]', burst = '%d点バースト', burst_category = '[[Category:バースト射撃モードが使用できる武器]]', separator = '・', single = '単発', single_category = '[[Category:単発射撃モードが使用できる武器]]', }, damage = { name = '[[ダメージ]]', head = '頭', head_category = '[[Category:ヘッドショット倍率が%s倍の武器]]', legs = '脚', shotgun = '%d × %d 片', unit = ' 倍', }, firerate = { name = '[[発射レート]]', auto = 'オート ', burst = 'バースト ', burst_average = '平均 ', rps = { name = '', format = '%.2f', separator = ' - ', unit = ' rps ', }, rpm = { name = '(', format = '%.0f', separator = ' - ', unit = ' rpm)', }, single = '単発 ', }, projectilespeed = { name = '弾速', format = '%s', hitscan = '∞ (ヒットスキャン)', unit = ' m/s', }, magazine = { name = '装填数', infinity = '∞', unit = ' 発', times = { format = '<span class="text-type-number">%d</span> 回', }, }, draw = { name = '据銃時間', format = '%.2f', unit = ' 秒', }, reload = { name = 'リロード', full = { name = 'フル', format = '%.2f', unit = ' 秒', }, tactical = { name = 'タクティカル', format = '%.2f', unit = ' 秒', }, }, }, } return configuration