🌟 | 現在、 鉄壁ヘッドショットには対応済みです。 鉄壁HSは通常HSと同じダメージになります。LMG及びDMR、チャージライフル、ハンマーポイント弾を除き、すべてのダメージ値が一致していることを確認しています。 |
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Utility/ApexLibrary/doc に作成できます
local apex = {} local aw = require('Module:Utility/Library') -- 部位ダメージ用定数 apex.HEAD = 1 apex.HEAD_NOHLM = 1 apex.HEAD_HLMLV1 = 2 apex.HEAD_HLMLV2 = 3 apex.HEAD_HLMLV3 = 4 apex.BODY = 10 apex.LEGS = 100 apex.SKY = 1000 -- [[ ヘッドショット倍率の計算 ]] function apex.calcHeadshotMultiplier(headmul, part) if part == apex.HEAD_HLMLV1 then return 0.2 + 0.8 * headmul elseif part == apex.HEAD_HLMLV2 then return 0.5 + 0.5 * headmul elseif part == apex.HEAD_HLMLV3 then return 0.35 + 0.65 * headmul else return headmul end end -- [[ ハンマーポイント弾倍率を考慮したダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcHammerpointDamage(base, hammerpoint) return math.floor(hammerpoint * base) end -- [[ 貫通減衰倍率を考慮したダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcPassthroughDamage(base, passthrough) return aw.round(passthrough * base) end -- [[ 部位倍率を考慮したダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcPartDamage(base, partmul) if partmul ~= 1 then return aw.round(partmul * base) else return base end end -- [[ ディスラプター弾倍率を考慮したダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcDisruptorDamage(base, disruptor) return math.floor(disruptor * base) end -- [[ パッシブ倍率を考慮したダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcPassiveDamage(base, passive, opts) if passive == 1.05 then if not opts.round then return aw.roundover(passive * base) else return aw.round(passive * base) end elseif passive ~= 1 then return aw.round(passive * base) else return base end end -- [[ 部位倍率とパッシブ倍率を考慮したダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(base, partmul, passive, opts) -- 部位倍率 base = apex.calcPartDamage(base, partmul) -- 小柄・鉄壁 if partmul <= 1 then base = apex.calcPassiveDamage(base, passive, opts) end return base end -- [[ ダメージ計算 ]] function apex.calcDamage(base, partmul, passive, opts) opts = opts or {} opts.hammerpointRounds = opts.hammerpointRounds or 0 opts.passthrough = opts.passthrough or 1 opts.disruptorRounds = opts.disruptorRounds or 0 -- 増幅バリケード if opts.ampedCover then base = aw.round(1.2 * base) else base = aw.round(base) end -- チャージ倍率 if opts.charged > 1 then base = aw.round(opts.charged * base) end -- ハンマーポイント弾 if opts.hammerpointRounds > 1 then base = apex.calcHammerpointDamage(base, opts.hammerpointRounds) end -- 貫通減衰倍率 if opts.passthrough < 1 then base = apex.calcPassthroughDamage(base, opts.passthrough) end -- 部位倍率、小柄・鉄壁 base = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(base, partmul, passive, opts) -- ディスラプター弾 if opts.disruptorRounds > 1 then base = apex.calcDisruptorDamage(base, opts.disruptorRounds) end -- ビームダメージ if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(opts.beamdamage) and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(opts.beamticks)then local beamdamage = apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(opts.beamdamage, partmul, passive, opts) base = base + opts.beamticks * beamdamage end return base end -- [[ マガジン計算 ]] function apex.calcMagazineWithModdedLoader(magazine) return aw.round(1.15 * magazine) end function apex.calcMagazinesWithModdedLoader(magazines) return { aw.round(1.15 * magazines[1]), aw.round(1.15 * magazines[2]), aw.round(1.15 * magazines[3]), aw.round(1.15 * magazines[4]), } end function apex.getMagazineWithModdedLoader(magazines) local magazinesType = type(magazines) if magazinesType == 'table' then return apex.calcMagazinesWithModdedLoader(magazines) elseif magazinesType == 'number' then return apex.calcMagazineWithModdedLoader(magazines) else return nil end end -- [[ 射撃レート計算 ]] function apex.calcBurstAverageFirerate(count, delay, firerate) return count / ((count - 1) / firerate + delay) end local function calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat, delay) return apex.calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat.burst_count, delay, stat.firerate) end function apex.calcRechamberFirerate(firerate, rechamber) return 1 / (1 / firerate + rechamber) end function apex.getFirerate(stat, opts) stat = stat or mw.loadData('Module:Stat/Weapon')[opts.name] -- Altfire mode if opts.useAltfire and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.altfire.firerate, stat.firerate) then return stat.altfire.firerate end -- Burst mode if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.burst_count, 2) then local delay = stat.burst_delay if type(delay) == 'table' then return { calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat, delay[1]), calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat, delay[2]), calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat, delay[3]), calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat, delay[4]), } elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(delay) then return calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat, delay) end end -- Revved Up if opts.useRevvedUpMode and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.firerate_revvedup, stat.firerate) then return stat.firerate_revvedup end -- w/Turbocharger if opts.useTurbocharger and stat.turbocharger then return { stat.turbocharger.firerate or stat.firerate, stat.turbocharger.firerate_maximum or stat.firerate_maximum, } end -- Variable firerate if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.firerate_maximum, stat.firerate) then return { stat.firerate, stat.firerate_maximum, } end -- w/Anvil Receiver if opts.useAnvilReceiver and stat.anvil_receiver then return stat.anvil_receiver.firerate end -- w/Double Tap Trigger if opts.useDoubleTapTrigger and stat.double_tap_trigger and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanOrEqualToX(stat.double_tap_trigger.burst_count, 2) then local delay = stat.double_tap_trigger.burst_delay if type(delay) == 'table' then return { calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat.double_tap_trigger, delay[1]), calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat.double_tap_trigger, delay[2]), calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat.double_tap_trigger, delay[3]), calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat.double_tap_trigger, delay[4]), } elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(delay) then return calcBurstAverageFirerate(stat.double_tap_trigger, delay) end end -- w/Deadeye's Tempo if opts.useDeadeyesTempo and stat.deadeyes_tempo then if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.deadeyes_tempo.charge) then if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.deadeyes_tempo.charge_minimum) then return { apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.deadeyes_tempo.charge_minimum), apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.deadeyes_tempo.charge), } else return apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.deadeyes_tempo.charge) end elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.deadeyes_tempo.rechamber) then return apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.deadeyes_tempo.rechamber) end end -- w/Charge if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.charge) then if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.charge_minimum) then return { apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.charge_minimum), apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.charge), } elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.rechamber) then return { apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber), apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber + stat.charge), } else return { stat.firerate, apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.charge), } end end -- w/Rechamber if type(stat.rechamber) == 'table' then return { apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber[1]), apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber[2]), apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber[3]), apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber[4]), } elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanZero(stat.rechamber) then return apex.calcRechamberFirerate(stat.firerate, stat.rechamber) end return stat.firerate end return apex