🌟 | 現在、 鉄壁ヘッドショットには対応済みです。 鉄壁HSは通常HSと同じダメージになります。LMG及びDMR、チャージライフル、ハンマーポイント弾を除き、すべてのダメージ値が一致していることを確認しています。 |
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:StatTable/Damage/doc に作成できます
local aw = require('Module:Utility/Library') local apex = require('Module:Utility/ApexLibrary') local iu = require('Module:Utility/Image') local tableutil = require('Module:Utility/TableUtil/Apex') local Hopup = mw.loadData('Module:Stat/Hopup') local getArgs -- lazily initialized local configuration = { en = { bodyshot = 'Body', fortified = 'Fortified', graph = 'Graph', headshot = 'Head', headlvl1 = iu.gear('ヘルメット', 1), headlvl2 = iu.gear('ヘルメット', 2), headlvl3 = iu.gear('ヘルメット', 3), legsshot = 'Legs', maxcharge = 'Max charge', mincharge = 'Min charge', normal = 'Normal', pellet = '1 pellet', pelletsFormat = '%d pellets', pelletWithAdditional = '%s | 1 pellet', pelletsWithAdditionalFormat = '%s | %d pellets', tick = '1 tick', ticksFormat = '%d ticks', weaponname = 'Weapon name', }, ja = { bodyshot = '胴', fortified = '鉄壁', graph = 'グラフ', headshot = '頭', headlvl1 = iu.gear('ヘルメット', 1), headlvl2 = iu.gear('ヘルメット', 2), headlvl3 = iu.gear('ヘルメット', 3), legsshot = '脚', maxcharge = '最大溜め', mincharge = '最小溜め', normal = '通常', pellet = '1 片', pelletsFormat = '%d 片', pelletWithAdditional = '%s・1 片', pelletsWithAdditionalFormat = '%s・%d 片', tick = '1 チック', ticksFormat = '%d チック', weaponname = '武器名', }, } local function addData(dataset, data, fn) fn = fn or function(val) return val end local head = data.head local lvl1 = apex.calcHeadshotMultiplier(head, apex.HEAD_HLMLV1) local lvl2 = apex.calcHeadshotMultiplier(head, apex.HEAD_HLMLV2) local lvl3 = apex.calcHeadshotMultiplier(head, apex.HEAD_HLMLV3) local legs = data.legs data.bodyDamage = fn(data.damage, 1, 1) * data.pellets data.headDamage = fn(apex.calcPartDamage(data.damage, head), head, 1) * data.pellets data.lvl1Damage = fn(apex.calcPartDamage(data.damage, lvl1), lvl1, 1) * data.pellets data.lvl2Damage = fn(apex.calcPartDamage(data.damage, lvl2), lvl2, 1) * data.pellets data.lvl3Damage = fn(apex.calcPartDamage(data.damage, lvl3), lvl3, 1) * data.pellets data.legsDamage = fn(apex.calcPartDamage(data.damage, legs), legs, 1) * data.pellets data.flL1Damage = fn(apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(data.damage, lvl1, 0.85), lvl1, 0.85) * data.pellets data.flLgDamage = fn(apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(data.damage, legs, 0.85), legs, 0.85) * data.pellets table.insert(dataset, data) end local p = {} function p._main(args, __debug) args = args or {} if __debug == nil then __debug = true end local lang = args.lang or 'ja' local res = configuration[lang] local stats = mw.loadData('Module:Stat/Weapon') local dataset = {} for name, stat in pairs(stats) do local baseDamage = stat.damage.base local baseData = { ammo = stat.ammo, ammoicon = stat.ammo, damage = stat.damage.base, head = stat.damage.headshot, legs = stat.damage.legshot, name = name, pellets = stat.pellet or 1, shortname = stat.localization['Japanese_Short'], } local special = aw.stringstarts(stat.ammo, 'special_') -- Charge Rifle if stat.damage.beam then for t = 0, stat.damage.beam.ticks do local tickData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) if t ~= 1 then tickData.option = string.format(res.ticksFormat, t) else tickData.option = res.tick end addData(dataset, tickData, function(val, part, passive) return val + apex.calcDamageFromPartAndPassive(stat.damage.beam.base, part, passive) * t end) end -- 散弾 (ショットガン・トリプルテイク) elseif aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.pellet, 1) then for p = 1, stat.pellet do local pelletData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) if p > 1 then pelletData.option = string.format(res.pelletsFormat, p) else pelletData.option = res.pellet end pelletData.pellets = p addData(dataset, pelletData) -- Hammerpoint Rounds (Mozambique Shotgun) if (configuration.__debug__enableAllHopup or Hopup.hammerpoint_rounds.enabled) and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.damage.hammerpoint_rounds, 1) then local pelletUnshieldedData = aw.shallowCopy(pelletData) pelletUnshieldedData.damage = math.floor(stat.damage.hammerpoint_rounds * baseDamage) pelletUnshieldedData.hopup = { 'hammerpoint_rounds' } addData(dataset, pelletUnshieldedData) end end -- Other else -- Chargefire if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.damage.charged, baseDamage) then baseData.option = res.mincharge addData(dataset, baseData) local maxChargeData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) maxChargeData.damage = stat.damage.charged if stat.damage.headshot_charged then maxChargeData.head = stat.damage.headshot_charged end if stat.damage.legshot_charged then maxChargeData.legs = stat.damage.legshot_charged end maxChargeData.option = res.maxcharge addData(dataset, maxChargeData) -- チャージが無効の場合の通常出力 else addData(dataset, baseData) end -- Amped mode if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.damage.amped, baseDamage) then local ampedData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) ampedData.ammoicon = stat.ammo .. '_amped' ampedData.damage = stat.damage.amped ampedData.option = iu.item('シールドセル') .. ' <span class="text-desktoponly">増幅モード</span>' addData(dataset, ampedData) end -- Selectfire Receiver (HAVOC Rifle) if (__debug or Hopup.selectfire_receiver.enabled) and type(stat.selectfire_receiver) == 'table' and stat.selectfire_receiver.damage and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.selectfire_receiver.damage.base, baseDamage) then local selectfireReceiverData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) selectfireReceiverData.damage = stat.selectfire_receiver.damage.base or stat.damage.base if stat.selectfire_receiver.damage.headshot then selectfireReceiverData.head = stat.selectfire_receiver.damage.headshot end selectfireReceiverData.hopup = { 'selectfire_receiver' } if stat.selectfire_receiver.damage.legshot then selectfireReceiverData.legs = stat.selectfire_receiver.damage.legshot end addData(dataset, selectfireReceiverData) end -- Hammerpoint Rounds (P2020) if (__debug or Hopup.hammerpoint_rounds.enabled) and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.damage.hammerpoint_rounds, 1) then local hammerpointRoundsData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) hammerpointRoundsData.damage = math.floor(stat.damage.hammerpoint_rounds * baseDamage) hammerpointRoundsData.hopup = { 'hammerpoint_rounds' } addData(dataset, hammerpointRoundsData) end -- Disruptor Rounds if (__debug or Hopup.disruptor_rounds.enabled or special) and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.damage.disruptor_rounds, 1) then local disruptorRoundsData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) disruptorRoundsData.hopup = { 'disruptor_rounds' } addData(dataset, disruptorRoundsData, function(val) return apex.calcDisruptorDamage(val, stat.damage.disruptor_rounds) end) end -- Anvil Receiver if (__debug or Hopup.anvil_receiver.enabled) and type(stat.anvil_receiver) == 'table' and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.anvil_receiver.damage.base, baseDamage) then local anvilReceiverData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) anvilReceiverData.damage = stat.anvil_receiver.damage.base if stat.anvil_receiver.damage.headshot then anvilReceiverData.head = stat.anvil_receiver.damage.headshot end anvilReceiverData.hopup = { 'anvil_receiver' } if stat.anvil_receiver.damage.legshot then anvilReceiverData.legs = stat.anvil_receiver.damage.legshot end addData(dataset, anvilReceiverData) end -- Shatter Caps if (__debug or Hopup.shatter_caps.enabled) and type(stat.shatter_caps) == 'table' and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.shatter_caps.damage.base, 1) and aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.shatter_caps.pellet, 1) then if aw.isNumberAndGreaterThanX(stat.shatter_caps.damage.charged, stat.shatter_caps.damage.base) then for p = 1, stat.shatter_caps.pellet do local shatterCapsMinChargeData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) shatterCapsMinChargeData.damage = stat.shatter_caps.damage.base if stat.shatter_caps.damage.headshot then shatterCapsMinChargeData.head = stat.shatter_caps.damage.headshot end shatterCapsMinChargeData.hopup = { 'shatter_caps' } if stat.shatter_caps.damage.legshot then shatterCapsMinChargeData.legs = stat.shatter_caps.damage.legshot end if p > 1 then shatterCapsMinChargeData.option = string.format(res.pelletsWithAdditionalFormat, res.mincharge, p) else shatterCapsMinChargeData.option = string.format(res.pelletWithAdditional, res.mincharge) end shatterCapsMinChargeData.pellets = p addData(dataset, shatterCapsMinChargeData) local shatterCapsMaxChargeData = aw.shallowCopy(shatterCapsMinChargeData) shatterCapsMaxChargeData.damage = stat.shatter_caps.damage.charged if stat.shatter_caps.damage.headshot_charged then shatterCapsMaxChargeData.head = stat.shatter_caps.damage.headshot_charged end if stat.shatter_caps.damage.legshot_charged then shatterCapsMaxChargeData.legs = stat.shatter_caps.damage.legshot_charged end if p > 1 then shatterCapsMaxChargeData.option = string.format(res.pelletsWithAdditionalFormat, res.maxcharge, p) else shatterCapsMaxChargeData.option = string.format(res.pelletWithAdditional, res.maxcharge) end addData(dataset, shatterCapsMaxChargeData) end else for p = 1, stat.shatter_caps.pellet do local shatterCapsData = aw.shallowCopy(baseData) shatterCapsData.damage = stat.shatter_caps.damage.base if stat.shatter_caps.damage.headshot then shatterCapsData.head = stat.shatter_caps.damage.headshot end shatterCapsData.hopup = { 'shatter_caps' } if stat.shatter_caps.damage.legshot then shatterCapsData.legs = stat.shatter_caps.damage.legshot end if p > 1 then shatterCapsData.option = string.format(res.pelletsFormat, p) else shatterCapsData.option = res.pellet end addData(dataset, shatterCapsData) end end end end end local metadata = { tableutil.RankCell.new('', 'bodyDamage', true), tableutil.AmmoCell.new('', 'ammoicon', { attributes = { align = 'center' }, cellClass = 'st-desktop', footerClass = 'st-desktop', headerClass = 'st-desktop', headerStyle = { width = '36px' }, }), tableutil.WeaponNameCell.new(res.weaponname, 'name', { ammoIndex = 'ammo', attributes = { align = 'left' }, cellClass = 'st-dashed-right st-mobile-none-right st-mobile-padding0-right', headerColspan = 2, optionIndex = 'option', shortnameIndex = 'shortname', }), tableutil.HopupCell.new(res.hopup, 'hopup', { attributes = { align = 'left' }, cellClass = 'st-mobile-padding0-both', headerColspan = 0, }), tableutil.ValueCell.new(res.legsshot, 'legsDamage', { cellClass = 'st-desktop', footerClass = 'st-desktop', headerClass = 'st-desktop', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '40px', ['max-width'] = '4em', }, }), tableutil.LineValueCell.new(res.bodyshot, 'bodyDamage', { startIndex = 'legsDamage', endIndex = 'lvl1Damage', subStartIndex = 'flLgDamage', subEndIndex = 'flL1Damage', cellClass = 'st-mobile-graph st-mobile-textshadow', footerClass = 'st-mobile-axis', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '80px', ['max-width'] = '8em', }, maximumValue = 150, preferredGridCount = 3, }), tableutil.ValueCell.new(res.headlvl3, 'lvl3Damage', { cellClass = 'st-desktop', footerClass = 'st-desktop', headerClass = 'st-desktop', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '40px', ['max-width'] = '4em', }, }), tableutil.ValueCell.new(res.headlvl2, 'lvl2Damage', { cellClass = 'st-desktop', footerClass = 'st-desktop', headerClass = 'st-desktop', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '40px', ['max-width'] = '4em', }, }), tableutil.ValueCell.new(res.headlvl1, 'lvl1Damage', { cellClass = 'st-mobile-last', footerClass = 'st-mobile-last', headerClass = 'st-mobile-last', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '40px', ['max-width'] = '4em', }, }), tableutil.LineCell.new(res.graph, 'bodyDamage', { startIndex = 'legsDamage', endIndex = 'lvl1Damage', subStartIndex = 'flLgDamage', subEndIndex = 'flL1Damage', cellClass = 'st-desktop st-desktop-graph', footerClass = 'st-desktop', headerClass = 'st-desktop', headerStyle = { ['min-width'] = '200px', }, itemName = res.normal, subItemName = res.fortified, maximumValue = 200, }), } local node = tableutil.createTable(dataset, metadata) return tostring(node) end function p.main(frame) if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end args = getArgs(frame) return p._main(args, false) end return p