🌟現在、鉄壁 鉄壁ヘッドショットには対応済みです。


提供:Apex Data
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動
27行目: 27行目:
.numbertable [title] { position: relative; }
.numbertable [title]::after {
display: none;
position: absolute;
content: attr(data-tooltip);
top: 100%;
right: 0;
z-index: 2;
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border: 1px solid #000;
padding: .2em .4em;
width: max-content;
font-size: 90%;
color: #000;
background-color: #fff;
.numbertable [title]:hover::after { display: block; }

/* Group container style */
/* Group container style */

2021年2月1日 (月) 20:31時点における版

/* ここに記述したCSSはすべての外装に反映されます */

/* Hide talk */
#pt-mytalk, #ca-talk { display: none !important; }

/* Hide main page title */
.page-メインページ h1.firstHeading { display: none; }

/* Prevent event for images */
img {
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/* Number table style */
.numbertable {
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    line-height: 1.45;
    font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;

@media screen and (max-width: 479px) {
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.numbertable [title] { position: relative; }
.numbertable [title]::after {
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	content: attr(data-tooltip);
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.numbertable [title]:hover::after { display: block; }

/* Group container style */
@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
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	.group-container > * { margin-left: 1em; }
	.group-container > *:first-child { margin-left: 0; }

/* Rarity style */
.text-rarity-common {
	color: #A8A8A8;

.text-rarity-rare {
	color: #51A8D6;

.text-rarity-epic {
	color: #B237C8;

.text-rarity-legendary {
	color: #CEAD21;

.text-rarity-heirloom {
	color: #FF4E1D;

/* Hop-ups style */
.image-hopup {
	border-style: solid;
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(10% 0, 90% 0, 100% 10%, 100% 90%, 90% 100%, 10% 100%, 0 90%, 0 10%);
	clip-path: polygon(10% 0, 90% 0, 100% 10%, 100% 90%, 90% 100%, 10% 100%, 0 90%, 0 10%);

.image-hopup-size16 { margin: -4px 0 -2px; border-bottom-width: 1.5px; padding: 3px; padding-bottom: 1.5px; }
.image-hopup-size20 { margin: -4.5px 0 -2.5px; border-bottom-width: 1.875px; padding: 3.5px; padding-bottom: 1.625px; }
.image-hopup-size24 { border-bottom-width: 2.25px; padding: 4px; padding-bottom: 1.75px; }
.image-hopup-size28 { border-bottom-width: 2.625px; padding: 5px; padding-bottom: 2.375px; }
.image-hopup-size32 { border-bottom-width: 3px; padding: 6px; padding-bottom: 3px; }
.image-hopup-size40 { border-bottom-width: 3.75px; padding: 7px; padding-bottom: 3.25px; }
.image-hopup-size48 { border-bottom-width: 4.5px; padding: 8px; padding-bottom: 3.5px; }

.image-hopup-common {
	background: linear-gradient(#454545 30%, #808080 80%);
	border-color: #A8A8A8;

.image-hopup-rare {
	background: linear-gradient(#454545 30%, #1D5B7C 80%);
	border-color: #51A8D6;

.image-hopup-epic {
	background: linear-gradient(#454545 30%, #6D2079 80%);
	border-color: #B237C8;

.image-hopup-legendary {
  background: linear-gradient(#454545 30%, #846F15 80%);
	border-color: #CEAD21;

.image-hopup-heirloom {
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	border-color: #FF4E1D;

/* Condensed table style */
.condensedtable {
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.condensedtable tr > td {
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.condensedtable tr > td:first-child {
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/* infobox */
.tpl-infobox-left {
	clear: right;
	float: right;

.tpl-infobox-right {
	clear: right;
	float: right;

/* weapon infobox */
.tpl-weapon {
	width: 275px;
	margin: 0 0 .5em .5em;
	font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", "Yu Gothic UI", "Meiryo UI", Meiryo, "MS UI Gothic", sans-serif;
	font-size: 0.9375rem;

@media screen and (max-width: 519px) {
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.tpl-weapon-header {
	position: relative;
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	width: 300px;
	height: 48px;
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	font-size: 20px;
	font-weight: bold;
	line-height: 24px;
	letter-spacing: -.03em;
	background-image: radial-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, .025) 40%, transparent 50%), linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .6), rgba(0, 0, 0, .8));
	background-size: 8px 8px, contain;
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	clip-path: polygon(6.25% 0, 97.75% 0, 100% 24%, 93.75% 100%, 2.25% 100%, 0 76%);

.tpl-weapon-header:before {
	position: absolute;
	content: "";
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(6.25% 0, 97.75% 0, 100% 24%, 93.75% 100%, 2.25% 100%, 0 76%, 1.25% 70.5%, 3.25% 92%, 92.75% 92%, 98.5% 24%, 96.5% 4%, 6.75% 4%, 1.25% 70.5%, 0 76%, 6.25% 0);
	clip-path: polygon(6.25% 0, 97.75% 0, 100% 24%, 93.75% 100%, 2.25% 100%, 0 76%, 1.25% 70.5%, 3.25% 92%, 92.75% 92%, 98.5% 24%, 96.5% 4%, 6.75% 4%, 1.25% 70.5%, 0 76%, 6.25% 0);

.tpl-weapon-header > a,
.tpl-weapon-header > img {
	float: right;
	clear: right;
	margin: -8px 8px 0 -16px;

.tpl-weapon-light > .tpl-weapon-header:before {
	background: linear-gradient(173deg, #999 30%, #F49A4A 52.5%);
.tpl-weapon-heavy > .tpl-weapon-header:before {
	background: linear-gradient(173deg, #999 30%, #6BCEA8 52.5%);
.tpl-weapon-energy > .tpl-weapon-header:before {
	background: linear-gradient(173deg, #999 30%, #CEE255 52.5%);
.tpl-weapon-shotgun > .tpl-weapon-header:before {
	background: linear-gradient(173deg, #999 30%, #FE2C00 52.5%);
.tpl-weapon-sniper > .tpl-weapon-header:before {
	background: linear-gradient(173deg, #999 30%, #7E82FF 52.5%);
.tpl-weapon-special > .tpl-weapon-header:before {
	background: linear-gradient(173deg, #999 30%, #CA003E 52.5%);

.tpl-weapon-content {
	box-sizing: border-box;
	padding: .5em;

.tpl-weapon > table {
	border: 4px solid transparent;
	border-top: 0 none;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	border-spacing: 0;
	width: 100%;

.tpl-weapon th {
	text-align: left;
	width: 5.4em;

.tpl-weapon td[colspan] {
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	padding-top: 0;
	padding-left: 0.9em;

.tpl-weapon th,
.tpl-weapon td {
	border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
	padding: .2em .5em;

.tpl-weapon tr:first-child > th,
.tpl-weapon tr:first-child > td {
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.tpl-weapon ul {
	margin: 0em 0 0 1em;
	padding: 0;
	line-height: 1.4;

.tpl-weapon li {
	margin-bottom: .25em;

.tpl-weapon-light > .tpl-weapon-content, .tpl-weapon-light > table { border-color: #F49A4A; background-color: #FEF4EC; }
.tpl-weapon-heavy > .tpl-weapon-content, .tpl-weapon-heavy > table { border-color: #6BCEA8; background-color: #F0FAF6; }
.tpl-weapon-energy > .tpl-weapon-content, .tpl-weapon-energy > table { border-color: #CEE255; background-color: #FAFCEE; }
.tpl-weapon-shotgun > .tpl-weapon-content, .tpl-weapon-shotgun > table { border-color: #FE2C00; background-color: #FFEEEB; }
.tpl-weapon-sniper > .tpl-weapon-content, .tpl-weapon-sniper > table { border-color: #7E82FF; background-color: #EBEBFF; }
.tpl-weapon-special > .tpl-weapon-content, .tpl-weapon-special > table { border-color: #CA003E; background-color: #FFEBF1; }

/* Tabs style */
.tabs-tabbox-tablein { margin: 0; }
.tabs-tabbox-tablein .tabs-label { padding: .2em 1em; }
.tabs-tabbox-tablein > .tabs-container {
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.tabs-tabbox-tablein .tabs-content > table {
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